See: Description
Interface | Description |
ObjectConstructor<T> |
Defines a generic object construction factory.
Class | Description |
$Gson$Preconditions |
A simple utility class used to check method Preconditions.
$Gson$Types |
Static methods for working with types.
ConstructorConstructor |
Returns a function that can construct an instance of a requested type.
Excluder |
This class selects which fields and types to omit.
JsonReaderInternalAccess |
Internal-only APIs of JsonReader available only to other classes in Gson.
LazilyParsedNumber |
This class holds a number value that is lazily converted to a specific number type
LinkedHashTreeMap<K,V> |
A map of comparable keys to values.
LinkedTreeMap<K,V> |
A map of comparable keys to values.
Primitives |
Contains static utility methods pertaining to primitive types and their
corresponding wrapper types.
Streams |
Reads and writes GSON parse trees over streams.
UnsafeAllocator |
Do sneaky things to allocate objects without invoking their constructors.