- JavaServer - Class in tracks.singleLearning.utils
Created by dperez on 01/06/2017.
- JavaServer() - Constructor for class tracks.singleLearning.utils.JavaServer
- JEasyFrame - Class in tools
Frame for the graphics.
- JEasyFrame(Component, String) - Constructor for class tools.JEasyFrame
- JSON_ELEMENT - Static variable in class tools.com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters
- JSON_ELEMENT_FACTORY - Static variable in class tools.com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters
- JsonAdapter - Annotation Type in tools.com.google.gson.annotations
An annotation that indicates the Gson
to use with a class
or field.
- JsonAdapterAnnotationTypeAdapterFactory - Class in tools.com.google.gson.internal.bind
Given a type T, looks for the annotation
and uses an instance of the
specified class as the default type adapter.
- JsonAdapterAnnotationTypeAdapterFactory(ConstructorConstructor) - Constructor for class tools.com.google.gson.internal.bind.JsonAdapterAnnotationTypeAdapterFactory
- JsonArray - Class in tools.com.google.gson
A class representing an array type in Json.
- JsonArray() - Constructor for class tools.com.google.gson.JsonArray
Creates an empty JsonArray.
- JsonArray(int) - Constructor for class tools.com.google.gson.JsonArray
- JsonDeserializationContext - Interface in tools.com.google.gson
- JsonDeserializer<T> - Interface in tools.com.google.gson
Interface representing a custom deserializer for Json.
- JsonElement - Class in tools.com.google.gson
A class representing an element of Json.
- JsonElement() - Constructor for class tools.com.google.gson.JsonElement
- JsonIOException - Exception in tools.com.google.gson
This exception is raised when Gson was unable to read an input stream
or write to one.
- JsonIOException(String) - Constructor for exception tools.com.google.gson.JsonIOException
- JsonIOException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception tools.com.google.gson.JsonIOException
- JsonIOException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception tools.com.google.gson.JsonIOException
Creates exception with the specified cause.
- JsonNull - Class in tools.com.google.gson
A class representing a Json null
- JsonNull() - Constructor for class tools.com.google.gson.JsonNull
- JsonObject - Class in tools.com.google.gson
A class representing an object type in Json.
- JsonObject() - Constructor for class tools.com.google.gson.JsonObject
- JsonParseException - Exception in tools.com.google.gson
This exception is raised if there is a serious issue that occurs during parsing of a Json
- JsonParseException(String) - Constructor for exception tools.com.google.gson.JsonParseException
Creates exception with the specified message.
- JsonParseException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception tools.com.google.gson.JsonParseException
Creates exception with the specified message and cause.
- JsonParseException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception tools.com.google.gson.JsonParseException
Creates exception with the specified cause.
- JsonParser - Class in tools.com.google.gson
A parser to parse Json into a parse tree of
- JsonParser() - Constructor for class tools.com.google.gson.JsonParser
- JsonPrimitive - Class in tools.com.google.gson
A class representing a Json primitive value.
- JsonPrimitive(Boolean) - Constructor for class tools.com.google.gson.JsonPrimitive
Create a primitive containing a boolean value.
- JsonPrimitive(Number) - Constructor for class tools.com.google.gson.JsonPrimitive
Create a primitive containing a Number
- JsonPrimitive(String) - Constructor for class tools.com.google.gson.JsonPrimitive
Create a primitive containing a String value.
- JsonPrimitive(Character) - Constructor for class tools.com.google.gson.JsonPrimitive
Create a primitive containing a character.
- JsonReader - Class in tools.com.google.gson.stream
Reads a JSON (
RFC 7159)
encoded value as a stream of tokens.
- JsonReader(Reader) - Constructor for class tools.com.google.gson.stream.JsonReader
Creates a new instance that reads a JSON-encoded stream from in
- JsonReaderInternalAccess - Class in tools.com.google.gson.internal
Internal-only APIs of JsonReader available only to other classes in Gson.
- JsonReaderInternalAccess() - Constructor for class tools.com.google.gson.internal.JsonReaderInternalAccess
- JsonSerializationContext - Interface in tools.com.google.gson
- JsonSerializer<T> - Interface in tools.com.google.gson
Interface representing a custom serializer for Json.
- JsonStreamParser - Class in tools.com.google.gson
A streaming parser that allows reading of multiple
s from the specified reader
- JsonStreamParser(String) - Constructor for class tools.com.google.gson.JsonStreamParser
- JsonStreamParser(Reader) - Constructor for class tools.com.google.gson.JsonStreamParser
- JsonSyntaxException - Exception in tools.com.google.gson
This exception is raised when Gson attempts to read (or write) a malformed
JSON element.
- JsonSyntaxException(String) - Constructor for exception tools.com.google.gson.JsonSyntaxException
- JsonSyntaxException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception tools.com.google.gson.JsonSyntaxException
- JsonSyntaxException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception tools.com.google.gson.JsonSyntaxException
Creates exception with the specified cause.
- JsonToken - Enum in tools.com.google.gson.stream
A structure, name or value type in a JSON-encoded string.
- JsonTreeReader - Class in tools.com.google.gson.internal.bind
This reader walks the elements of a JsonElement as if it was coming from a
character stream.
- JsonTreeReader(JsonElement) - Constructor for class tools.com.google.gson.internal.bind.JsonTreeReader
- JsonTreeWriter - Class in tools.com.google.gson.internal.bind
This writer creates a JsonElement.
- JsonTreeWriter() - Constructor for class tools.com.google.gson.internal.bind.JsonTreeWriter
- jsonValue(String) - Method in class tools.com.google.gson.stream.JsonWriter
Writes value
directly to the writer without quoting or
- JsonWriter - Class in tools.com.google.gson.stream
Writes a JSON (
RFC 7159)
encoded value to a stream, one token at a time.
- JsonWriter(Writer) - Constructor for class tools.com.google.gson.stream.JsonWriter
Creates a new instance that writes a JSON-encoded stream to out
- jump_strength - Variable in class core.vgdl.VGDLSprite
Strength measure of this sprite.
- justImage - Variable in class core.vgdl.VGDLViewer