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ucb - Static variable in class
UCBEquation - Interface in core.optimization.ucbOptimization
Contains information about the current used UCB Equation
UCBEvoEquation - Class in core.optimization.ucbOptimization
implementation of the evolved ucb equations from Evolving game-specific UCB alternatives for General Video Game Playing
UCBEvoEquation() - Constructor for class core.optimization.ucbOptimization.UCBEvoEquation
UCBOptimization - Class in core.optimization.ucbOptimization
an implementation of optimization objective for any UCBEquation
UCBOptimization(String[], String[], int, int, UCBEquation) - Constructor for class core.optimization.ucbOptimization.UCBOptimization
Constructor for the current ucb optimization objective
uct(StateObservationMulti) - Method in class tracks.multiPlayer.advanced.sampleMCTS.SingleTreeNode
uct() - Method in class tracks.multiPlayer.deprecated.sampleMCTS.SingleTreeNode
uct(StateObservation) - Method in class tracks.singlePlayer.advanced.sampleMCTS.SingleTreeNode
uct() - Method in class tracks.singlePlayer.deprecated.sampleMCTS.SingleTreeNode
uct() - Method in class
UndoAll - Class in ontology.effects.unary
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
UndoAll(InteractionContent) - Constructor for class ontology.effects.unary.UndoAll
unitVector() - Method in class tools.Vector2d
UnsafeAllocator - Class in
Do sneaky things to allocate objects without invoking their constructors.
UnsafeAllocator() - Constructor for class
Until - Annotation Type in
An annotation that indicates the version number until a member or a type should be present.
unwrap(Class<T>) - Static method in class
Returns the corresponding primitive type of type if it is a wrapper type; otherwise returns type itself.
UP - Static variable in class ontology.Types
update(Game) - Method in class
Dumps the game state into 'this' object.
update(int, int, Vector2d, Vector2d, int) - Method in class
Updates this observation
update(Game) - Method in class core.vgdl.VGDLSprite
Updates this sprite, performing the movements and actions for the next step.
update(Game) - Method in class ontology.sprites.Flicker
update(Game) - Method in class ontology.sprites.missile.RandomMissile
update(Game) - Method in class ontology.sprites.npc.AlternateChaser
update(Game) - Method in class ontology.sprites.npc.Chaser
update(Game) - Method in class ontology.sprites.npc.PathAltChaser
update(Game) - Method in class ontology.sprites.npc.PathChaser
update(Game) - Method in class ontology.sprites.npc.RandomAltChaser
update(Game) - Method in class ontology.sprites.npc.RandomNPC
update(Game) - Method in class ontology.sprites.npc.RandomPathAltChaser
update(Game) - Method in class ontology.sprites.npc.Walker
update(Game) - Method in class ontology.sprites.npc.WalkerJumper
update(Game) - Method in class ontology.sprites.OrientedFlicker
update(Game) - Method in class ontology.sprites.producer.BomberRandomMissile
update(Game) - Method in class ontology.sprites.producer.RandomBomber
update(Game) - Method in class ontology.sprites.producer.SpawnPoint
update(Game) - Method in class ontology.sprites.producer.SpawnPointMultiSprite
update(Game) - Method in class ontology.sprites.Spreader
updateAvatar(Game, boolean, boolean[]) - Method in class core.vgdl.VGDLSprite
updateAvatar(Game, boolean, boolean[]) - Method in class ontology.avatar.FlakAvatar
This update call is for the game tick() loop.
updateAvatar(Game, boolean, boolean[]) - Method in class ontology.avatar.MovingAvatar
This update call is for the game tick() loop.
updateAvatar(Game, boolean, boolean[]) - Method in class ontology.avatar.oriented.AimedAvatar
This update call is for the game tick() loop.
updateAvatar(Game, boolean, boolean[]) - Method in class ontology.avatar.oriented.BirdAvatar
This update call is for the game tick() loop.
updateAvatar(Game, boolean, boolean[]) - Method in class ontology.avatar.oriented.CarAvatar
This update call is for the game tick() loop.
updateAvatar(Game, boolean, boolean[]) - Method in class ontology.avatar.oriented.LanderAvatar
This update call is for the game tick() loop.
updateAvatar(Game, boolean, boolean[]) - Method in class ontology.avatar.oriented.MissileAvatar
This update call is for the game tick() loop.
updateAvatar(Game, boolean, boolean[]) - Method in class ontology.avatar.oriented.OngoingAvatar
This update call is for the game tick() loop.
updateAvatar(Game, boolean, boolean[]) - Method in class ontology.avatar.oriented.OngoingShootAvatar
This update call is for the game tick() loop.
updateAvatar(Game, boolean, boolean[]) - Method in class ontology.avatar.oriented.OngoingTurningAvatar
This update call is for the game tick() loop.
updateAvatar(Game, boolean, boolean[]) - Method in class ontology.avatar.oriented.OrientedAvatar
This update call is for the game tick() loop.
updateAvatar(Game, boolean, boolean[]) - Method in class ontology.avatar.oriented.PlatformerAvatar
This update call is for the game tick() loop.
updateAvatar(Game, boolean, boolean[]) - Method in class ontology.avatar.oriented.ShootAvatar
This update call is for the game tick() loop.
updateAvatar(Game, boolean, boolean[]) - Method in class ontology.avatar.oriented.SpaceshipAvatar
This update call is for the game tick() loop.
updateAvatar(Game, boolean, boolean[]) - Method in class ontology.avatar.oriented.WizardAvatar
This update call is for the game tick() loop.
updateAvatars(Types.ACTIONS, int) - Method in class
Calls update(this) in avatar sprites.
updateBucket() - Method in class core.vgdl.VGDLSprite
updateItype(int, int) - Method in class ontology.sprites.producer.BomberRandomMissile
Updates missile itype with newitype
updateItype(int, int) - Method in class ontology.sprites.producer.SpawnPoint
Updates spawn itype with newitype
UpdateNode(double) - Method in class tracks.singlePlayer.simple.greedyTreeSearch.TreeNode
updatePassive() - Method in class core.vgdl.VGDLSprite
Updates this sprite applying the passive movement.
updateReachedGoals() - Method in class controller.Agenda
Method that allows to update the reached goals list.
UpdateSpawnType - Class in ontology.effects.unary
UpdateSpawnType(InteractionContent) - Constructor for class ontology.effects.unary.UpdateSpawnType
updateTilesValue(int[][], int, int) - Static method in class
updateUse(Game) - Method in class ontology.avatar.FlakAvatar
updateUse(Game) - Method in class ontology.avatar.MovingAvatar
updateUse(Game) - Method in class ontology.avatar.oriented.ShootAvatar
updateUse(Game) - Method in class ontology.avatar.oriented.ShootOnlyAvatar
URI - Static variable in class
URI_FACTORY - Static variable in class
URL - Static variable in class
URL_FACTORY - Static variable in class
use_counter - Variable in class core.termination.Timeout
USE_SOCKETS - Static variable in class core.competition.CompetitionParameters
Use sockets for Learning track connection?
usefulSprites - Static variable in class tracks.ruleGeneration.geneticRuleGenerator.SharedData
useful sprites in the game
USELESS_MOVE_VALUE - Static variable in class
Utils - Class in tools
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
Utils() - Constructor for class tools.Utils
UUID - Static variable in class
UUID_FACTORY - Static variable in class
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