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calculateFitness(long) - Method in class tracks.levelGeneration.geneticLevelGenerator.Chromosome
Calculate the current fitness of the chromosome
calculateFitness(long) - Method in class tracks.ruleGeneration.geneticRuleGenerator.Chromosome
calculates the fitness, by comparing the scores of a naiveAI and a smart AI
calculatePixelPerfect(VGDLSprite, VGDLSprite) - Method in class ontology.effects.Effect
CALENDAR - Static variable in class
CALENDAR_FACTORY - Static variable in class
callsPlanner - Static variable in class controller.PlanningAgent
canEnd - Static variable in class core.termination.Termination
canonicalize(Type) - Static method in class$Gson$Types
Returns a type that is functionally equal but not necessarily equal according to Object.equals().
CarAvatar - Class in ontology.avatar.oriented
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
CarAvatar() - Constructor for class ontology.avatar.oriented.CarAvatar
CarAvatar(Vector2d, Dimension, SpriteContent) - Constructor for class ontology.avatar.oriented.CarAvatar
category - Variable in class
Category of this observation (static, resource, npc, etc.).
cellVariable - Variable in class controller.GameInformation
ChangeResource - Class in ontology.effects.binary
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
ChangeResource(InteractionContent) - Constructor for class ontology.effects.binary.ChangeResource
changeSpriteName(String, String) - Method in class
Used in encode the names sprites
changeSpriteOrder(ArrayList<Integer>) - Method in class
Modify the sprite order for the renderer of the GVG-AI
CHARACTER - Static variable in class
CHARACTER_FACTORY - Static variable in class
charId - Variable in class core.content.MappingContent
Character that identifies this content in the level map.
charMapping - Variable in class
Mapping between characters in the level and the entities they represent.
Chaser - Class in ontology.sprites.npc
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
Chaser() - Constructor for class ontology.sprites.npc.Chaser
Chaser(Vector2d, Dimension, SpriteContent) - Constructor for class ontology.sprites.npc.Chaser
checkArgument(boolean) - Static method in class$Gson$Preconditions
checkConnectivity(int, int, int, int) - Method in class tracks.levelGeneration.constructiveLevelGenerator.LevelData
check if the two positions are connected
checkConnectivity(int, int) - Method in class tracks.levelGeneration.constructiveLevelGenerator.LevelData
check if this wall will case the world not to be connected any more
checkConstraint() - Method in class tracks.levelGeneration.constraints.AbstractConstraint
Check if the current constrain is achieved or not
checkConstraint() - Method in class tracks.levelGeneration.constraints.AvatarNumberConstraint
Check if there is only 1 avatar in the level
checkConstraint() - Method in class tracks.levelGeneration.constraints.CombinedConstraints
Check if all constraints are satisfied
checkConstraint() - Method in class tracks.levelGeneration.constraints.CoverPercentageConstraint
Check if the percentage of objects in the play field is between minCoverPercentage and maxCoverPercentage
checkConstraint() - Method in class tracks.levelGeneration.constraints.DeathConstraint
Check if the do nothing player staisfy the minDoNothingSteps and didn't win
checkConstraint() - Method in class tracks.levelGeneration.constraints.GoalConstraint
Check if all terminate conditions are unsatisfiable
checkConstraint() - Method in class tracks.levelGeneration.constraints.SolutionLengthConstraint
check if the solution length is at least equal to minSolutionLength
checkConstraint() - Method in class tracks.levelGeneration.constraints.SpriteNumberConstraint
checkConstraint() - Method in class tracks.levelGeneration.constraints.WinConstraint
check if the player win the game
checkEarlyReachedGoals(List<PDDLAction.Effect>) - Method in class controller.PlanningAgent
Method that checks whether a goal is reached beforehand by checking the effects of an action.
checkIfSpawned(String) - Method in class tools.GameAnalyzer
Checks if the object is spawned by other object
checkInLevel(int, int) - Method in class tracks.levelGeneration.constructiveLevelGenerator.LevelData
check if the point is inside the borders of the level
checkNotNull(T) - Static method in class$Gson$Preconditions
checkPreconditions(List<String>, boolean) - Method in class controller.PlanningAgent
Method that checks whether the preconditions of an action are satisfied or not.
checkTimeOut() - Method in class
Checks if the game must finish because of number of cycles played.
childIdx - Variable in class tracks.multiPlayer.advanced.sampleMCTS.SingleTreeNode
childIdx - Variable in class tracks.singlePlayer.advanced.sampleMCTS.SingleTreeNode
children - Variable in class core.vgdl.Node
Children of this node.
children - Variable in class tracks.multiPlayer.advanced.sampleMCTS.SingleTreeNode
children - Variable in class tracks.multiPlayer.deprecated.sampleMCTS.SingleTreeNode
children - Variable in class tracks.singlePlayer.advanced.olets.SingleTreeNode
The array that stores the children nodes.
children - Variable in class tracks.singlePlayer.advanced.sampleMCTS.SingleTreeNode
children - Variable in class tracks.singlePlayer.deprecated.sampleMCTS.SingleTreeNode
children - Variable in class
choice(Object[], Random) - Static method in class tools.Utils
choice(int[], Random) - Static method in class tools.Utils
choice(ArrayList<Vector2d>, Random) - Static method in class tools.Utils
choiceDir(ArrayList<Direction>, Random) - Static method in class tools.Utils
Chromosome - Class in tracks.levelGeneration.geneticLevelGenerator
Chromosome(int, int) - Constructor for class tracks.levelGeneration.geneticLevelGenerator.Chromosome
initialize the chromosome with a certain length and width
Chromosome - Class in tracks.ruleGeneration.geneticRuleGenerator
Chromosome(String[][], SLDescription) - Constructor for class tracks.ruleGeneration.geneticRuleGenerator.Chromosome
Chromosome constructor.
Chromosome.SpritePointData - Class in tracks.levelGeneration.geneticLevelGenerator
helpful data structure to hold information about certain points in the level
citype - Variable in class ontology.effects.unary.SpawnIfCounterSubTypes
CLASS - Static variable in class
CLASS_FACTORY - Static variable in class
classConst - Variable in class
Content objects for the different sprite types..
cleanseChromosome() - Method in class tracks.ruleGeneration.geneticRuleGenerator.Chromosome
clear() - Method in class
clear() - Method in class core.vgdl.SpriteGroup
Clears the collection of sprites.
clear() - Method in class
clear() - Method in class
clearAll(ForwardModel) - Method in class
Deletes all the sprites killed in the previous step.
clearInteractionTerminationData() - Method in class
clear all the interactions and termination in the current game
clearLevelMapping() - Method in class tools.LevelMapping
clear all recorded mapping
clearPlan() - Method in class controller.PDDLPlan
Method used to clear the plan.
clone() - Method in class
clone() - Method in class
clone() - Method in class tracks.levelGeneration.geneticLevelGenerator.Chromosome
clone the chromosome data
clone() - Method in class tracks.ruleGeneration.geneticRuleGenerator.Chromosome
clone the chromosome data
CloneSprite - Class in ontology.effects.unary
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
CloneSprite(InteractionContent) - Constructor for class ontology.effects.unary.CloneSprite
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
Closes this JSON reader and the underlying Reader.
close() - Method in class
Flushes and closes this writer and the underlying Writer.
closeAppOnClosingWindow - Static variable in class core.competition.CompetitionParameters
Terminates the program when the playing window is closed
closedList - Static variable in class tools.pathfinder.AStar
closestTargets(Game, boolean) - Method in class ontology.sprites.npc.AlternateChaser
Sets a list with the closest targets (sprites with the type 'stype'), by distance
closestTargets(Game) - Method in class ontology.sprites.npc.Chaser
Sets a list with the closest targets (sprites with the type 'stype'), by distance
closestTargets(Game) - Method in class ontology.sprites.npc.LOSChaser
Sets a list with the closest targets (sprites with the type 'stype'), by distance
closestTargets(Game) - Method in class ontology.sprites.npc.PathChaser
Sets a list with the closest targets (sprites with the type 'stype'), by distance
collectablePercentage - Variable in class tracks.levelGeneration.constructiveLevelGenerator.LevelCoverData
the percentage of collectable objects
CollectionTypeAdapterFactory - Class in
Adapt a homogeneous collection of objects.
CollectionTypeAdapterFactory(ConstructorConstructor) - Constructor for class
CollectResource - Class in ontology.effects.binary
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
CollectResource(InteractionContent) - Constructor for class ontology.effects.binary.CollectResource
CollectResourceIfHeld - Class in ontology.effects.binary
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
CollectResourceIfHeld(InteractionContent) - Constructor for class ontology.effects.binary.CollectResourceIfHeld
collision - Variable in class ontology.effects.Effect
Collision for batches
collisionEffects - Variable in class
Relationships for collisions: double array of (list of) effects.
color - Variable in class core.vgdl.VGDLSprite
Color of this sprite.
COLOR_DISC - Static variable in class ontology.Types
CombinedConstraints - Class in tracks.levelGeneration.constraints
CombinedConstraints() - Constructor for class tracks.levelGeneration.constraints.CombinedConstraints
comingFrom - Variable in class tools.pathfinder.Node
Comm - Class in tracks.singleLearning.utils
Created by dperez on 01/06/2017.
Comm() - Constructor for class tracks.singleLearning.utils.Comm
Default constructor
commRecv() - Method in class tracks.singleLearning.utils.Comm
Receives a message from the client.
commRecv() - Method in class tracks.singleLearning.utils.PipeComm
Receives a message from the client.
commRecv() - Method in class tracks.singleLearning.utils.SocketComm
Receives a message from the client.
commSend(String) - Method in class tracks.singleLearning.utils.Comm
Sends a message through the pipe.
commSend(String) - Method in class tracks.singleLearning.utils.PipeComm
Sends a message through the pipe.
commSend(String) - Method in class tracks.singleLearning.utils.SocketComm
Sends a message through the pipe.
comp - Variable in class tools.JEasyFrame
Main component of the frame.
compare - Variable in class core.termination.Timeout
compareTo(Event) - Method in class
compareTo(Observation) - Method in class
Compares this observation to others, using distances to the reference position.
compareTo(TimeEffect) - Method in class ontology.effects.TimeEffect
compareTo(Object) - Method in class tools.Pair
compareTo(Node) - Method in class tools.pathfinder.Node
compareTo(Chromosome) - Method in class tracks.levelGeneration.geneticLevelGenerator.Chromosome
Compare two chromosome with each other based on their constrained fitness and normal fitness
compareTo(Object) - Method in class tracks.multiPlayer.advanced.sampleRHEA.Individual
compareTo(Object) - Method in class tracks.multiPlayer.advanced.sampleRS.Individual
compareTo(Chromosome) - Method in class tracks.ruleGeneration.geneticRuleGenerator.Chromosome
Compare two chromosome with each other based on their constrained fitness and normal fitness
compareTo(Object) - Method in class tracks.singlePlayer.advanced.sampleRHEA.Individual
compareTo(Object) - Method in class tracks.singlePlayer.advanced.sampleRS.Individual
CompetitionParameters - Class in core.competition
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
CompetitionParameters() - Constructor for class core.competition.CompetitionParameters
connections - Variable in class controller.GameInformation
connectionSet - Variable in class controller.PlanningAgent
cons - Variable in class ontology.sprites.npc.RandomNPC
constGen - Static variable in class tracks.ruleGeneration.geneticRuleGenerator.SharedData
construct() - Method in interface
Returns a new instance.
CONSTRUCTIVE_INITIALIZATION - Static variable in class tracks.levelGeneration.geneticLevelGenerator.SharedData
starting the GA with seeds from the constructive algorithm
constructiveGen - Static variable in class tracks.levelGeneration.geneticLevelGenerator.SharedData
constructive level generator to help in speeding up the level generation process
ConstructorConstructor - Class in
Returns a function that can construct an instance of a requested type.
ConstructorConstructor(Map<Type, InstanceCreator<?>>) - Constructor for class
CONT - Static variable in class ontology.Types
containedPredicateInPendingGoals(String) - Method in class controller.Agenda
Method that allows to check whether a predicate is contained in the pending goals list.
containedPredicateInPreemptedGoals(String) - Method in class controller.Agenda
Method that allows to check whether a predicate is contained in the preempted goals list.
contains(JsonElement) - Method in class
Returns true if this array contains the specified element.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class
containsKey(Object) - Method in class
Content - Class in core.content
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
Content() - Constructor for class core.content.Content
content - Variable in class core.vgdl.Node
Contents of this node.
ContinuousPhysics - Class in ontology.physics
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
ContinuousPhysics() - Constructor for class ontology.physics.ContinuousPhysics
controller - package controller
Conveyor - Class in ontology.sprites
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
Conveyor() - Constructor for class ontology.sprites.Conveyor
Conveyor(Vector2d, Dimension, SpriteContent) - Constructor for class ontology.sprites.Conveyor
cooldown - Variable in class core.vgdl.VGDLSprite
States the pause ticks in-between two moves
copy() - Method in class
Creates a copy of this event.
copy() - Method in class
Creates a copy of this forward model.
copy() - Method in class
Returns an exact copy of the state observation object.
copy() - Method in class
copy() - Method in class core.vgdl.VGDLSprite
Creates a copy of this sprite.
copy() - Method in class ontology.avatar.FlakAvatar
copy() - Method in class ontology.avatar.HorizontalAvatar
copy() - Method in class ontology.avatar.MovingAvatar
copy() - Method in class ontology.avatar.NullAvatar
copy() - Method in class ontology.avatar.oriented.AimedAvatar
copy() - Method in class ontology.avatar.oriented.BirdAvatar
copy() - Method in class ontology.avatar.oriented.CarAvatar
copy() - Method in class ontology.avatar.oriented.LanderAvatar
copy() - Method in class ontology.avatar.oriented.MissileAvatar
copy() - Method in class ontology.avatar.oriented.OngoingAvatar
copy() - Method in class ontology.avatar.oriented.OngoingShootAvatar
copy() - Method in class ontology.avatar.oriented.OngoingTurningAvatar
copy() - Method in class ontology.avatar.oriented.OrientedAvatar
copy() - Method in class ontology.avatar.oriented.PlatformerAvatar
copy() - Method in class ontology.avatar.oriented.ShootAvatar
copy() - Method in class ontology.avatar.oriented.ShootOnlyAvatar
copy() - Method in class ontology.avatar.oriented.SpaceshipAvatar
copy() - Method in class ontology.avatar.oriented.WizardAvatar
copy() - Method in class ontology.avatar.VerticalAvatar
copy() - Method in class ontology.effects.binary.AddTimer
copy() - Method in class ontology.effects.TimeEffect
copy() - Method in class ontology.sprites.Conveyor
copy() - Method in class ontology.sprites.Door
copy() - Method in class ontology.sprites.Flicker
copy() - Method in class ontology.sprites.Immovable
copy() - Method in class ontology.sprites.missile.ErraticMissile
copy() - Method in class ontology.sprites.missile.Missile
copy() - Method in class ontology.sprites.missile.RandomMissile
copy() - Method in class ontology.sprites.npc.AlternateChaser
copy() - Method in class ontology.sprites.npc.Chaser
copy() - Method in class ontology.sprites.npc.Fleeing
copy() - Method in class ontology.sprites.npc.LOSChaser
copy() - Method in class ontology.sprites.npc.PathAltChaser
copy() - Method in class ontology.sprites.npc.PathChaser
copy() - Method in class ontology.sprites.npc.RandomAltChaser
copy() - Method in class ontology.sprites.npc.RandomInertial
copy() - Method in class ontology.sprites.npc.RandomNPC
copy() - Method in class ontology.sprites.npc.RandomPathAltChaser
copy() - Method in class ontology.sprites.npc.Walker
copy() - Method in class ontology.sprites.npc.WalkerJumper
copy() - Method in class ontology.sprites.OrientedFlicker
copy() - Method in class ontology.sprites.Passive
copy() - Method in class ontology.sprites.producer.Bomber
copy() - Method in class ontology.sprites.producer.BomberRandomMissile
copy() - Method in class ontology.sprites.producer.Portal
copy() - Method in class ontology.sprites.producer.RandomBomber
copy() - Method in class ontology.sprites.producer.SpawnPoint
copy() - Method in class ontology.sprites.producer.SpawnPointMultiSprite
copy() - Method in class ontology.sprites.producer.SpriteProducer
copy() - Method in class ontology.sprites.Resource
copy() - Method in class ontology.sprites.ResourcePack
copy() - Method in class ontology.sprites.Spreader
copy() - Method in class tools.Direction
copy() - Method in class tools.ElapsedCpuTimer
copy() - Method in class tools.ElapsedWallTimer
copy() - Method in class tools.Pair
copy() - Method in class tools.StatSummary
copy() - Method in class tools.Vector2d
Creates a copy of this vector
copy() - Method in class tracks.multiPlayer.advanced.sampleRHEA.Individual
copy() - Method in class tracks.multiPlayer.advanced.sampleRS.Individual
copy() - Method in class tracks.singlePlayer.advanced.sampleRHEA.Individual
copy() - Method in class tracks.singlePlayer.advanced.sampleRS.Individual
copyAllSprites(Collection<VGDLSprite>) - Method in class core.vgdl.SpriteGroup
Adds a collection of sprites to this collection.
copyTo(VGDLSprite) - Method in class core.vgdl.VGDLSprite
Copies the attributes of this object to the one passed as parameter.
copyTo(VGDLSprite) - Method in class ontology.avatar.FlakAvatar
copyTo(VGDLSprite) - Method in class ontology.avatar.HorizontalAvatar
copyTo(VGDLSprite) - Method in class ontology.avatar.MovingAvatar
copyTo(VGDLSprite) - Method in class ontology.avatar.NullAvatar
copyTo(VGDLSprite) - Method in class ontology.avatar.oriented.AimedAvatar
copyTo(VGDLSprite) - Method in class ontology.avatar.oriented.BirdAvatar
copyTo(VGDLSprite) - Method in class ontology.avatar.oriented.CarAvatar
copyTo(VGDLSprite) - Method in class ontology.avatar.oriented.LanderAvatar
copyTo(VGDLSprite) - Method in class ontology.avatar.oriented.MissileAvatar
copyTo(VGDLSprite) - Method in class ontology.avatar.oriented.OngoingAvatar
copyTo(VGDLSprite) - Method in class ontology.avatar.oriented.OngoingShootAvatar
copyTo(VGDLSprite) - Method in class ontology.avatar.oriented.OngoingTurningAvatar
copyTo(VGDLSprite) - Method in class ontology.avatar.oriented.OrientedAvatar
copyTo(VGDLSprite) - Method in class ontology.avatar.oriented.PlatformerAvatar
copyTo(VGDLSprite) - Method in class ontology.avatar.oriented.ShootAvatar
copyTo(VGDLSprite) - Method in class ontology.avatar.oriented.ShootOnlyAvatar
copyTo(VGDLSprite) - Method in class ontology.avatar.oriented.SpaceshipAvatar
copyTo(VGDLSprite) - Method in class ontology.avatar.oriented.WizardAvatar
copyTo(VGDLSprite) - Method in class ontology.avatar.VerticalAvatar
copyTo(TimeEffect) - Method in class ontology.effects.binary.AddTimer
copyTo(TimeEffect) - Method in class ontology.effects.TimeEffect
copyTo(VGDLSprite) - Method in class ontology.sprites.Conveyor
copyTo(VGDLSprite) - Method in class ontology.sprites.Door
copyTo(VGDLSprite) - Method in class ontology.sprites.Flicker
copyTo(VGDLSprite) - Method in class ontology.sprites.Immovable
copyTo(VGDLSprite) - Method in class ontology.sprites.missile.ErraticMissile
copyTo(VGDLSprite) - Method in class ontology.sprites.missile.Missile
copyTo(VGDLSprite) - Method in class ontology.sprites.missile.RandomMissile
copyTo(VGDLSprite) - Method in class ontology.sprites.npc.AlternateChaser
copyTo(VGDLSprite) - Method in class ontology.sprites.npc.Chaser
copyTo(VGDLSprite) - Method in class ontology.sprites.npc.Fleeing
copyTo(VGDLSprite) - Method in class ontology.sprites.npc.LOSChaser
copyTo(VGDLSprite) - Method in class ontology.sprites.npc.PathAltChaser
copyTo(VGDLSprite) - Method in class ontology.sprites.npc.PathChaser
copyTo(VGDLSprite) - Method in class ontology.sprites.npc.RandomAltChaser
copyTo(VGDLSprite) - Method in class ontology.sprites.npc.RandomInertial
copyTo(VGDLSprite) - Method in class ontology.sprites.npc.RandomNPC
copyTo(VGDLSprite) - Method in class ontology.sprites.npc.RandomPathAltChaser
copyTo(VGDLSprite) - Method in class ontology.sprites.npc.Walker
copyTo(VGDLSprite) - Method in class ontology.sprites.npc.WalkerJumper
copyTo(VGDLSprite) - Method in class ontology.sprites.OrientedFlicker
copyTo(VGDLSprite) - Method in class ontology.sprites.Passive
copyTo(VGDLSprite) - Method in class ontology.sprites.producer.Bomber
copyTo(VGDLSprite) - Method in class ontology.sprites.producer.BomberRandomMissile
copyTo(VGDLSprite) - Method in class ontology.sprites.producer.Portal
copyTo(VGDLSprite) - Method in class ontology.sprites.producer.RandomBomber
copyTo(VGDLSprite) - Method in class ontology.sprites.producer.SpawnPoint
copyTo(VGDLSprite) - Method in class ontology.sprites.producer.SpawnPointMultiSprite
copyTo(VGDLSprite) - Method in class ontology.sprites.producer.SpriteProducer
copyTo(VGDLSprite) - Method in class ontology.sprites.Resource
copyTo(VGDLSprite) - Method in class ontology.sprites.Spreader
core.competition - package core.competition
core.content - package core.content - package
core.generator - package core.generator
core.logging - package core.logging
core.optimization - package core.optimization
core.optimization.ucbOptimization - package core.optimization.ucbOptimization
core.player - package core.player
core.termination - package core.termination
core.vgdl - package core.vgdl
count - Variable in class ontology.effects.Effect
count_score - Variable in class core.termination.Termination
countElse - Variable in class ontology.effects.Effect
counter - Variable in class
counter - Variable in class ontology.effects.Effect
counter - Variable in class ontology.sprites.npc.RandomNPC
counter - Variable in class ontology.sprites.producer.SpawnPoint
counter - Variable in class ontology.sprites.producer.SpawnPointMultiSprite
counterElse - Variable in class ontology.effects.Effect
countScore(Game) - Method in class core.termination.Termination
coverPercentage - Variable in class tracks.levelGeneration.constraints.CoverPercentageConstraint
the current cover percentage
CoverPercentageConstraint - Class in tracks.levelGeneration.constraints
CoverPercentageConstraint() - Constructor for class tracks.levelGeneration.constraints.CoverPercentageConstraint
create(String) - Static method in class core.content.ParameterContent
create() - Method in class
Creates a Gson instance based on the current configuration.
create(Gson, TypeToken<T>) - Method in class
create(Gson, TypeToken<T>) - Method in class
create(Gson, TypeToken<T>) - Method in class
create(Gson, TypeToken<T>) - Method in class
create(Gson, TypeToken<T>) - Method in class
create() - Static method in class
create(Gson, TypeToken<T>) - Method in interface
Returns a type adapter for type, or null if this factory doesn't support type.
createAvatars(int) - Method in class
Method to create the array of avatars from the sprites.
createController(String, int, StateObservation) - Static method in class tracks.ArcadeMachine
Creates and initializes a new controller with the given name.
createEffect(Game, InteractionContent) - Method in class core.vgdl.VGDLFactory
Creates a new effect, with parameters passed as InteractionContent.
createGame(GameContent) - Method in class core.vgdl.VGDLFactory
Creates a game, receiving a GameContent object
createInstance(Type) - Method in interface
Gson invokes this call-back method during deserialization to create an instance of the specified type.
createLevelGenerator(String, GameDescription) - Static method in class tracks.levelGeneration.LevelGenMachine
Generate AbstractLevelGenerator object to generate levels for the game using the supplied class path.
createMultiPlayer(String, String, StateObservationMulti, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class tracks.ArcadeMachine
Creates a player given its name with package for multiplayer.
createPlayer(String, String, StateObservation, int, boolean) - Static method in class tracks.ArcadeMachine
Creates a player given its name with package.
createProblemFile() - Method in class controller.PlanningAgent
Method that creates a PDDL problem file.
createRuleGenerator(String, SLDescription) - Static method in class tracks.ruleGeneration.RuleGenMachine
createSprite(Game, SpriteContent, Vector2d, Dimension) - Method in class core.vgdl.VGDLFactory
Creates a new sprite with a given dimension in a certain position.
createTermination(Game, TerminationContent) - Method in class core.vgdl.VGDLFactory
Creates a new termination, with parameters passed as TerminationContent.
crossOver(Chromosome) - Method in class tracks.levelGeneration.geneticLevelGenerator.Chromosome
crossover the current chromosome with the input chromosome
crossover(Individual, Individual, int) - Method in class tracks.multiPlayer.advanced.sampleRHEA.Individual
Modifies individual
crossover(Chromosome) - Method in class tracks.ruleGeneration.geneticRuleGenerator.Chromosome
crossover the current chromosome with the input chromosome
crossover(Individual, Individual, int) - Method in class tracks.singlePlayer.advanced.sampleRHEA.Individual
Modifies individual
CROSSOVER_PROB - Static variable in class tracks.levelGeneration.geneticLevelGenerator.SharedData
Crossover probability
CROSSOVER_PROB - Static variable in class tracks.ruleGeneration.geneticRuleGenerator.SharedData
Crossover probability
CURRENCY - Static variable in class
CURRENCY_FACTORY - Static variable in class
currentFrame - Variable in class core.vgdl.VGDLSprite
the current frame to be drawn
currentGameState - Variable in class
Field to represent the current game's state.
currentSet - Variable in class core.vgdl.VGDLParser
Current set through the game description file.
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