- takeOrientation - Variable in class ontology.effects.binary.TransformToSingleton
- TEAR_DOWN_TIME - Static variable in class core.competition.CompetitionParameters
Milliseconds allowed for controller tear down.
- teardown(Game) - Method in class core.player.Player
Closes the agent, writing actions to file.
- tearPlayerDown(Game, Player[], String, int, boolean) - Static method in class tracks.ArcadeMachine
Tears the player down.
- TeleportToExit - Class in ontology.effects.binary
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
- TeleportToExit(InteractionContent) - Constructor for class ontology.effects.binary.TeleportToExit
- templateSprites - Variable in class core.game.Game
List of template sprites, one for each object in the above "classConst"
- Termination - Class in core.termination
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
- Termination() - Constructor for class core.termination.Termination
- TERMINATION_LIMIT_PARAM - Static variable in class tracks.ruleGeneration.geneticRuleGenerator.SharedData
The upper bound on a numerical value for a termination limit parameter insertion
- TerminationContent - Class in core.content
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
- TerminationContent() - Constructor for class core.content.TerminationContent
Default constructor.
- TerminationContent(String) - Constructor for class core.content.TerminationContent
Constructor that extracts the contents from a String line
- TerminationData() - Constructor for class core.game.GameDescription.TerminationData
- terminationHandling() - Method in class core.game.Game
Handles termination conditions, for every termination defined in
'terminations' array.
- terminationParams - Static variable in class tracks.ruleGeneration.geneticRuleGenerator.SharedData
- terminations - Variable in class core.game.Game
Termination set conditions to finish the game.
- terminations - Static variable in class tracks.ruleGeneration.geneticRuleGenerator.SharedData
Array contains all terminations
- Test - Class in tracks.singlePlayer
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
- Test() - Constructor for class tracks.singlePlayer.Test
- TestGameSpace - Class in tracks.gameDesign
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
- TestGameSpace() - Constructor for class tracks.gameDesign.TestGameSpace
- testing - package testing
- testLevel(String) - Method in class core.game.GameDescription
Build the generated level to be tested using an agent using the original
Level Mapping.
- testLevel(String, HashMap<Character, ArrayList<String>>) - Method in class core.game.GameDescription
Build the generated level to be tested using an agent.
- TestLevelGeneration - Class in tracks.levelGeneration
- TestLevelGeneration() - Constructor for class tracks.levelGeneration.TestLevelGeneration
- TestMultiGameSpace - Class in tracks.gameDesign
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
- TestMultiGameSpace() - Constructor for class tracks.gameDesign.TestMultiGameSpace
- TestMultiPlayer - Class in tracks.multiPlayer
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
- TestMultiPlayer() - Constructor for class tracks.multiPlayer.TestMultiPlayer
- TestRuleGeneration - Class in tracks.ruleGeneration
Created by dperez on 19/03/2017.
- TestRuleGeneration() - Constructor for class tracks.ruleGeneration.TestRuleGeneration
- testRules(String[], String[]) - Method in class core.game.SLDescription
get state observation based on the interaction rules and termination
- testRules(String[], String[], HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>) - Method in class core.game.SLDescription
get state observation based on the interaction rules and termination
- TestSingleLearning - Class in tracks.singleLearning
Created by Daniel on 07.03.2017.
- TestSingleLearning() - Constructor for class tracks.singleLearning.TestSingleLearning
- theta() - Method in class tools.Vector2d
Returns the atan2 of this vector.
- tick() - Method in class core.game.ForwardModel
Performs one tick for the game, calling update(this) in all sprites.
- tick() - Method in class core.game.Game
Performs one tick for the game: calling update(this) in all sprites.
- TIME_CONSTRAINED - Static variable in class core.competition.CompetitionParameters
Indicates if the overspend should be taken into account or not.
- TimeEffect - Class in ontology.effects
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
- TimeEffect() - Constructor for class ontology.effects.TimeEffect
- TimeEffect(InteractionContent, Effect) - Constructor for class ontology.effects.TimeEffect
- TimeEffect(Effect) - Constructor for class ontology.effects.TimeEffect
- timeEffects - Variable in class core.game.Game
List of TIME effects
- Timeout - Class in core.termination
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
- Timeout() - Constructor for class core.termination.Timeout
- Timeout(TerminationContent) - Constructor for class core.termination.Timeout
- timer - Variable in class ontology.effects.TimeEffect
timer for the effect, -1 by default.
- timerDelegate - Variable in class ontology.effects.binary.AddTimer
- TIMESTAMP_FACTORY - Static variable in class tools.com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters
- timeToLive - Variable in class core.vgdl.VGDLSprite
Time to live for this sprite.
- TimeTypeAdapter - Class in tools.com.google.gson.internal.bind
Adapter for Time.
- TimeTypeAdapter() - Constructor for class tools.com.google.gson.internal.bind.TimeTypeAdapter
- toJson(Object) - Method in class tools.com.google.gson.Gson
This method serializes the specified object into its equivalent Json representation.
- toJson(Object, Type) - Method in class tools.com.google.gson.Gson
This method serializes the specified object, including those of generic types, into its
equivalent Json representation.
- toJson(Object, Appendable) - Method in class tools.com.google.gson.Gson
This method serializes the specified object into its equivalent Json representation.
- toJson(Object, Type, Appendable) - Method in class tools.com.google.gson.Gson
This method serializes the specified object, including those of generic types, into its
equivalent Json representation.
- toJson(Object, Type, JsonWriter) - Method in class tools.com.google.gson.Gson
Writes the JSON representation of src
of type typeOfSrc
- toJson(JsonElement) - Method in class tools.com.google.gson.Gson
Converts a tree of
s into its equivalent JSON representation.
- toJson(JsonElement, Appendable) - Method in class tools.com.google.gson.Gson
Writes out the equivalent JSON for a tree of
- toJson(JsonElement, JsonWriter) - Method in class tools.com.google.gson.Gson
Writes the JSON for jsonElement
to writer
- toJson(Writer, T) - Method in class tools.com.google.gson.TypeAdapter
Converts value
to a JSON document and writes it to out
- toJson(T) - Method in class tools.com.google.gson.TypeAdapter
Converts value
to a JSON document.
- toJsonTree(Object) - Method in class tools.com.google.gson.Gson
This method serializes the specified object into its equivalent representation as a tree of
- toJsonTree(Object, Type) - Method in class tools.com.google.gson.Gson
This method serializes the specified object, including those of generic types, into its
equivalent representation as a tree of
- toJsonTree(T) - Method in class tools.com.google.gson.TypeAdapter
Converts value
to a JSON tree.
- TOKEN_SEP - Variable in class tracks.singleLearning.utils.Comm
Special character to separate message ID from actual message
- tools - package tools
- tools.com.google.gson - package tools.com.google.gson
This package provides the com.google.gson.Gson
class to convert Json to Java and
- tools.com.google.gson.annotations - package tools.com.google.gson.annotations
This package provides annotations that can be used with com.google.gson.Gson
- tools.com.google.gson.internal - package tools.com.google.gson.internal
Do NOT use any class in this package as they are meant for internal use in Gson.
- tools.com.google.gson.internal.bind - package tools.com.google.gson.internal.bind
- tools.com.google.gson.internal.bind.util - package tools.com.google.gson.internal.bind.util
- tools.com.google.gson.reflect - package tools.com.google.gson.reflect
This package provides utility classes for finding type information for generic types.
- tools.com.google.gson.stream - package tools.com.google.gson.stream
- tools.pathfinder - package tools.pathfinder
- toPlay - Variable in class tracks.DesignMachine
- toString() - Method in class controller.Agenda
- toString() - Method in class controller.PDDLAction.Effect
- toString() - Method in class controller.PDDLAction
- toString() - Method in class controller.PDDLPlan
- toString() - Method in class controller.PDDLSingleGoal
- toString() - Method in class core.content.Content
Returns the original line of the content.
- toString() - Method in class core.content.ParameterContent
- toString() - Method in class core.content.SpriteContent
Returns the original line of the content.
- toString() - Method in class core.game.GameDescription.InteractionData
- toString() - Method in class core.game.GameDescription.SpriteData
- toString() - Method in class core.game.GameDescription.TerminationData
Player ID for win state used is 0, default for single player games.
- toString() - Method in class core.game.Observation
- toString() - Method in class core.game.SerializableStateObservation
- toString() - Method in class core.logging.Message
return a string that explains the message
- toString(double[]) - Method in interface core.optimization.ucbOptimization.UCBEquation
print the ucb equation using the current parameters
- toString(double[]) - Method in class core.optimization.ucbOptimization.UCBEvoEquation
print the ucb equation using the current parameters
- toString() - Method in class core.vgdl.Node
Parses the node and children to a String for debug and printing.
- toString() - Method in class core.vgdl.VGDLSprite
Returns a string representation of this string, including its name and position.
- toString() - Method in class tools.com.google.gson.Gson
- toString() - Method in class tools.com.google.gson.internal.bind.JsonTreeReader
- toString() - Method in class tools.com.google.gson.internal.ConstructorConstructor
- toString() - Method in class tools.com.google.gson.internal.LazilyParsedNumber
- toString() - Method in class tools.com.google.gson.JsonElement
Returns a String representation of this element.
- toString() - Method in class tools.com.google.gson.reflect.TypeToken
- toString() - Method in class tools.com.google.gson.stream.JsonReader
- toString() - Method in class tools.Direction
Returns a representative String of this vector.
- toString() - Method in class tools.ElapsedCpuTimer
- toString() - Method in class tools.ElapsedWallTimer
- toString() - Method in class tools.StatSummary
- toString() - Method in class tools.Vector2d
Returns a representative String of this vector.
- toString() - Method in class tracks.multiPlayer.advanced.sampleRHEA.Individual
- toString() - Method in class tracks.multiPlayer.advanced.sampleRS.Individual
- toString() - Method in class tracks.singlePlayer.advanced.sampleRHEA.Individual
- toString() - Method in class tracks.singlePlayer.advanced.sampleRS.Individual
- toStringArray(String[]) - Static method in class tools.Utils
- total - Variable in class ontology.sprites.producer.SpawnPoint
- total - Variable in class ontology.sprites.producer.SpawnPointMultiSprite
- totalCost - Variable in class tools.pathfinder.Node
- totalIters - Static variable in class tracks.multiPlayer.deprecated.sampleMCTS.SingleTreeNode
- totalIters - Static variable in class tracks.singlePlayer.tools.ucbOptimizerAgent.SingleTreeNode
- totValue - Variable in class tracks.multiPlayer.advanced.sampleMCTS.SingleTreeNode
- totValue - Variable in class tracks.multiPlayer.deprecated.sampleMCTS.SingleTreeNode
- totValue - Variable in class tracks.singlePlayer.advanced.sampleMCTS.SingleTreeNode
- totValue - Variable in class tracks.singlePlayer.deprecated.sampleMCTS.SingleTreeNode
- totValue - Variable in class tracks.singlePlayer.tools.ucbOptimizerAgent.SingleTreeNode
- tracks - package tracks
- tracks.gameDesign - package tracks.gameDesign
- tracks.levelGeneration - package tracks.levelGeneration
- tracks.levelGeneration.constraints - package tracks.levelGeneration.constraints
- tracks.levelGeneration.constructiveLevelGenerator - package tracks.levelGeneration.constructiveLevelGenerator
- tracks.levelGeneration.geneticLevelGenerator - package tracks.levelGeneration.geneticLevelGenerator
- tracks.levelGeneration.randomLevelGenerator - package tracks.levelGeneration.randomLevelGenerator
- tracks.multiPlayer - package tracks.multiPlayer
- tracks.multiPlayer.advanced.sampleMCTS - package tracks.multiPlayer.advanced.sampleMCTS
- tracks.multiPlayer.advanced.sampleRHEA - package tracks.multiPlayer.advanced.sampleRHEA
- tracks.multiPlayer.advanced.sampleRS - package tracks.multiPlayer.advanced.sampleRS
- tracks.multiPlayer.deprecated.sampleGA - package tracks.multiPlayer.deprecated.sampleGA
- tracks.multiPlayer.deprecated.sampleMCTS - package tracks.multiPlayer.deprecated.sampleMCTS
- tracks.multiPlayer.simple.doNothing - package tracks.multiPlayer.simple.doNothing
- tracks.multiPlayer.simple.sampleOneStepLookAhead - package tracks.multiPlayer.simple.sampleOneStepLookAhead
- tracks.multiPlayer.simple.sampleRandom - package tracks.multiPlayer.simple.sampleRandom
- tracks.multiPlayer.tools.heuristics - package tracks.multiPlayer.tools.heuristics
- tracks.multiPlayer.tools.human - package tracks.multiPlayer.tools.human
- tracks.multiPlayer.tools.replayer - package tracks.multiPlayer.tools.replayer
- tracks.ruleGeneration - package tracks.ruleGeneration
- tracks.ruleGeneration.constructiveRuleGenerator - package tracks.ruleGeneration.constructiveRuleGenerator
- tracks.ruleGeneration.geneticRuleGenerator - package tracks.ruleGeneration.geneticRuleGenerator
- tracks.ruleGeneration.randomRuleGenerator - package tracks.ruleGeneration.randomRuleGenerator
- tracks.singleLearning - package tracks.singleLearning
- tracks.singleLearning.utils - package tracks.singleLearning.utils
- tracks.singlePlayer - package tracks.singlePlayer
- tracks.singlePlayer.advanced.olets - package tracks.singlePlayer.advanced.olets
- tracks.singlePlayer.advanced.sampleMCTS - package tracks.singlePlayer.advanced.sampleMCTS
- tracks.singlePlayer.advanced.sampleRHEA - package tracks.singlePlayer.advanced.sampleRHEA
- tracks.singlePlayer.advanced.sampleRS - package tracks.singlePlayer.advanced.sampleRS
- tracks.singlePlayer.deprecated.sampleGA - package tracks.singlePlayer.deprecated.sampleGA
- tracks.singlePlayer.deprecated.sampleMCTS - package tracks.singlePlayer.deprecated.sampleMCTS
- tracks.singlePlayer.simple.doNothing - package tracks.singlePlayer.simple.doNothing
- tracks.singlePlayer.simple.greedyTreeSearch - package tracks.singlePlayer.simple.greedyTreeSearch
- tracks.singlePlayer.simple.sampleonesteplookahead - package tracks.singlePlayer.simple.sampleonesteplookahead
- tracks.singlePlayer.simple.sampleRandom - package tracks.singlePlayer.simple.sampleRandom
- tracks.singlePlayer.simple.simpleRandom - package tracks.singlePlayer.simple.simpleRandom
- tracks.singlePlayer.tools.Heuristics - package tracks.singlePlayer.tools.Heuristics
- tracks.singlePlayer.tools.human - package tracks.singlePlayer.tools.human
- tracks.singlePlayer.tools.repeatOLETS - package tracks.singlePlayer.tools.repeatOLETS
- tracks.singlePlayer.tools.replayer - package tracks.singlePlayer.tools.replayer
- tracks.singlePlayer.tools.ucbOptimizerAgent - package tracks.singlePlayer.tools.ucbOptimizerAgent
- TransformIfCount - Class in ontology.effects.binary
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
- TransformIfCount(InteractionContent) - Constructor for class ontology.effects.binary.TransformIfCount
- TransformTo - Class in ontology.effects.unary
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
- TransformTo(InteractionContent) - Constructor for class ontology.effects.unary.TransformTo
- transformTo(VGDLSprite, VGDLSprite, VGDLSprite, Game) - Method in class ontology.effects.unary.TransformTo
- TransformToAll - Class in ontology.effects.binary
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
- TransformToAll(InteractionContent) - Constructor for class ontology.effects.binary.TransformToAll
- TransformToRandomChild - Class in ontology.effects.unary
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
- TransformToRandomChild(InteractionContent) - Constructor for class ontology.effects.unary.TransformToRandomChild
- TransformToSingleton - Class in ontology.effects.binary
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
- TransformToSingleton(InteractionContent) - Constructor for class ontology.effects.binary.TransformToSingleton
- translateGameStateToPDDL(StateObservation) - Method in class controller.PlanningAgent
Method that translates a game state observation to PDDL predicates.
- translateName(Field) - Method in interface tools.com.google.gson.FieldNamingStrategy
Translates the field name into its JSON field name representation.
- TREE_CHILD_DEPTH - Static variable in class tracks.singlePlayer.tools.ucbOptimizerAgent.Helper
- TREE_CHILD_MAX_VALUE - Static variable in class tracks.singlePlayer.tools.ucbOptimizerAgent.Helper
- TREE_CHILD_VALUE - Static variable in class tracks.singlePlayer.tools.ucbOptimizerAgent.Helper
- TREE_CHILD_VISITS - Static variable in class tracks.singlePlayer.tools.ucbOptimizerAgent.Helper
- TREE_PARENT_VISITS - Static variable in class tracks.singlePlayer.tools.ucbOptimizerAgent.Helper
- TreeNode - Class in tracks.singlePlayer.simple.greedyTreeSearch
- TreeNode(StateObservation, TreeNode) - Constructor for class tracks.singlePlayer.simple.greedyTreeSearch.TreeNode
- treePolicy(StateObservationMulti) - Method in class tracks.multiPlayer.advanced.sampleMCTS.SingleTreeNode
- treePolicy() - Method in class tracks.multiPlayer.deprecated.sampleMCTS.SingleTreeNode
- treePolicy(StateObservation) - Method in class tracks.singlePlayer.advanced.sampleMCTS.SingleTreeNode
- treePolicy() - Method in class tracks.singlePlayer.deprecated.sampleMCTS.SingleTreeNode
- treePolicy() - Method in class tracks.singlePlayer.tools.ucbOptimizerAgent.SingleTreeNode
- TreeTypeAdapter<T> - Class in tools.com.google.gson.internal.bind
Adapts a Gson 1.x tree-style adapter as a streaming TypeAdapter.
- TreeTypeAdapter(JsonSerializer<T>, JsonDeserializer<T>, Gson, TypeToken<T>, TypeAdapterFactory) - Constructor for class tools.com.google.gson.internal.bind.TreeTypeAdapter
- triPoints(Rectangle, Direction) - Static method in class tools.Utils
Returns the Polygon for a triangle in the middle of the provided
rect, pointing in the orientation
(given as angle from upwards, or orientation vector)
- turn - Variable in class controller.PlanningAgent
- TurnAround - Class in ontology.effects.unary
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
- TurnAround(InteractionContent) - Constructor for class ontology.effects.unary.TurnAround
- type - Variable in class core.game.GameDescription.InteractionData
Interaction class type
- type - Variable in class core.game.GameDescription.SpriteData
VGDL class type for the current sprite
- type - Variable in class core.game.GameDescription.TerminationData
Termination Condition type
- TYPE_AVATAR - Static variable in class ontology.Types
- TYPE_FROMAVATAR - Static variable in class ontology.Types
- TYPE_MOVABLE - Static variable in class ontology.Types
- TYPE_NPC - Static variable in class ontology.Types
- TYPE_PORTAL - Static variable in class ontology.Types
- TYPE_RESOURCE - Static variable in class ontology.Types
- TYPE_STATIC - Static variable in class ontology.Types
- TypeAdapter<T> - Class in tools.com.google.gson
Converts Java objects to and from JSON.
- TypeAdapter() - Constructor for class tools.com.google.gson.TypeAdapter
- TypeAdapterFactory - Interface in tools.com.google.gson
Creates type adapters for set of related types.
- TypeAdapters - Class in tools.com.google.gson.internal.bind
Type adapters for basic types.
- Types - Class in ontology
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
- Types() - Constructor for class ontology.Types
- Types.ACTIONS - Enum in ontology
- Types.GAMESTATES - Enum in ontology
This is an enum type that describes the potential states of the game
- Types.LEARNING_SSO_TYPE - Enum in ontology
This is an enum type that specifies the type of sso required
- Types.MOVEMENT - Enum in ontology
- Types.WINNER - Enum in ontology
- TypeToken<T> - Class in tools.com.google.gson.reflect
Represents a generic type T
- TypeToken() - Constructor for class tools.com.google.gson.reflect.TypeToken
Constructs a new type literal.
- typeToString(Type) - Static method in class tools.com.google.gson.internal.$Gson$Types