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abort() - Method in class
Aborts a game.
AbstractConstraint - Class in tracks.levelGeneration.constraints
AbstractConstraint() - Constructor for class tracks.levelGeneration.constraints.AbstractConstraint
AbstractLevelGenerator - Class in core.generator
AbstractLevelGenerator() - Constructor for class core.generator.AbstractLevelGenerator
AbstractMultiPlayer - Class in core.player
Subclass of Player for multi player games.
AbstractMultiPlayer() - Constructor for class core.player.AbstractMultiPlayer
AbstractOptimizer - Class in core.optimization
Base class for optimization participants have to extends this class and provide a constructor and optimize function
AbstractOptimizer(OptimizationObjective) - Constructor for class core.optimization.AbstractOptimizer
Initialize your class variables
AbstractPlayer - Class in core.player
Subclass of Player, for Single Player games.
AbstractPlayer() - Constructor for class core.player.AbstractPlayer
AbstractRuleGenerator - Class in core.generator
AbstractRuleGenerator() - Constructor for class core.generator.AbstractRuleGenerator
act(StateObservation, ElapsedCpuTimer) - Method in class controller.PlanningAgent
Method called in each turn that returns the next action that the agent will execute.
act(StateObservation, ElapsedCpuTimer) - Method in class core.player.AbstractMultiPlayer
Picks an action.
act(StateObservationMulti, ElapsedCpuTimer) - Method in class core.player.AbstractPlayer
act(SerializableStateObservation, ElapsedCpuTimer) - Method in class core.player.LearningPlayer
act(StateObservation, ElapsedCpuTimer) - Method in class core.player.LearningPlayer
Picks an action.
act(StateObservationMulti, ElapsedCpuTimer) - Method in class core.player.LearningPlayer
act(StateObservation, ElapsedCpuTimer) - Method in class core.player.Player
Picks an action.
act(StateObservationMulti, ElapsedCpuTimer) - Method in class core.player.Player
Picks an action.
act(StateObservation, ElapsedCpuTimer) - Method in class tools.pathfinder.Agent
Picks an action.
act(StateObservationMulti, ElapsedCpuTimer) - Method in class tracks.multiPlayer.advanced.sampleMCTS.Agent
Picks an action.
act(StateObservationMulti, ElapsedCpuTimer) - Method in class tracks.multiPlayer.advanced.sampleRHEA.Agent
act(StateObservationMulti, ElapsedCpuTimer) - Method in class tracks.multiPlayer.advanced.sampleRS.Agent
act(StateObservationMulti, ElapsedCpuTimer) - Method in class tracks.multiPlayer.deprecated.sampleGA.Agent
Picks an action.
act(StateObservationMulti, ElapsedCpuTimer) - Method in class tracks.multiPlayer.deprecated.sampleMCTS.Agent
Picks an action.
act(StateObservationMulti, ElapsedCpuTimer) - Method in class tracks.multiPlayer.simple.doNothing.Agent
return ACTION_NIL on every call to simulate doNothing player
act(StateObservationMulti, ElapsedCpuTimer) - Method in class tracks.multiPlayer.simple.sampleOneStepLookAhead.Agent
Very simple one step lookahead agent.
act(StateObservationMulti, ElapsedCpuTimer) - Method in class tracks.multiPlayer.simple.sampleRandom.Agent
return ACTION_NIL on every call to simulate doNothing player
act(StateObservationMulti, ElapsedCpuTimer) - Method in class
Picks an action.
act(StateObservationMulti, ElapsedCpuTimer) - Method in class
Picks an action.
act(StateObservation, ElapsedCpuTimer) - Method in class tracks.singlePlayer.advanced.olets.Agent
Picks an action.
act(StateObservation, ElapsedCpuTimer) - Method in class tracks.singlePlayer.advanced.sampleMCTS.Agent
Picks an action.
act(StateObservation, ElapsedCpuTimer) - Method in class tracks.singlePlayer.advanced.sampleRHEA.Agent
act(StateObservation, ElapsedCpuTimer) - Method in class tracks.singlePlayer.advanced.sampleRS.Agent
act(StateObservation, ElapsedCpuTimer) - Method in class tracks.singlePlayer.deprecated.sampleGA.Agent
Picks an action.
act(StateObservation, ElapsedCpuTimer) - Method in class tracks.singlePlayer.deprecated.sampleMCTS.Agent
Picks an action.
act(StateObservation, ElapsedCpuTimer) - Method in class tracks.singlePlayer.simple.doNothing.Agent
return ACTION_NIL on every call to simulate doNothing player
act(StateObservation, ElapsedCpuTimer) - Method in class tracks.singlePlayer.simple.greedyTreeSearch.Agent
act(StateObservation, ElapsedCpuTimer) - Method in class tracks.singlePlayer.simple.sampleonesteplookahead.Agent
Very simple one step lookahead agent.
act(StateObservation, ElapsedCpuTimer) - Method in class tracks.singlePlayer.simple.sampleRandom.Agent
Picks an action.
act(StateObservation, ElapsedCpuTimer) - Method in class tracks.singlePlayer.simple.simpleRandom.Agent
Picks an action.
act(StateObservation, ElapsedCpuTimer) - Method in class
Picks an action.
act(StateObservation, ElapsedCpuTimer) - Method in class
decide the next action to be done (either repeating same action or nil or deciding new action)
act(StateObservation, ElapsedCpuTimer) - Method in class
Picks an action.
act(StateObservation, ElapsedCpuTimer) - Method in class
Picks an action.
ACTION_TIME - Static variable in class core.competition.CompetitionParameters
Milliseconds allowed per controller action.
ACTION_TIME_DISQ - Static variable in class core.competition.CompetitionParameters
Milliseconds for controller disqualification, if it returns an action after this time.
actionFile - Static variable in class core.competition.GVGReplayer
actions - Variable in class ontology.avatar.MovingAvatar
actions - Variable in class tracks.multiPlayer.advanced.sampleMCTS.Agent
actions - Variable in class tracks.multiPlayer.advanced.sampleMCTS.SingleTreeNode
actions - Variable in class tracks.multiPlayer.advanced.sampleRHEA.Individual
actions - Variable in class tracks.multiPlayer.advanced.sampleRS.Individual
actions - Variable in class tracks.multiPlayer.deprecated.sampleMCTS.Agent
actions - Variable in class tracks.multiPlayer.deprecated.sampleMCTS.SingleTreeNode
actions - Variable in class tracks.singlePlayer.advanced.olets.Agent
Feasible actions array, of length NUM_ACTIONS
actions - Variable in class tracks.singlePlayer.advanced.sampleMCTS.Agent
actions - Variable in class tracks.singlePlayer.advanced.sampleMCTS.SingleMCTSPlayer
actions - Variable in class tracks.singlePlayer.advanced.sampleRHEA.Individual
actions - Variable in class tracks.singlePlayer.advanced.sampleRS.Individual
actions - Variable in class tracks.singlePlayer.deprecated.sampleMCTS.Agent
actions - Static variable in class tracks.singlePlayer.simple.greedyTreeSearch.Agent
actions - Variable in class tracks.singlePlayer.simple.simpleRandom.Agent
List of available actions for the agent
actions - Static variable in class
actionsCorrespondence - Variable in class controller.GameInformation
actionsNIL - Variable in class ontology.avatar.MovingAvatar
active - Variable in class core.logging.Logger
To disable and enable logger
activeMovement(VGDLSprite, Direction, double) - Method in class ontology.physics.ContinuousPhysics
activeMovement(VGDLSprite, Direction, double) - Method in class ontology.physics.GridPhysics
activeMovement(VGDLSprite, Direction, double) - Method in interface ontology.physics.Physics
activeSpriteId - Variable in class
Sprite ID of the object that triggers the event (either the avatar, or something created by the avatar).
activeTypeId - Variable in class
Type id of the object that triggers the event (either the avatar, or something created by the avatar).
add(VGDLSprite) - Method in class
add(Boolean) - Method in class
Adds the specified boolean to self.
add(Character) - Method in class
Adds the specified character to self.
add(Number) - Method in class
Adds the specified number to self.
add(String) - Method in class
Adds the specified string to self.
add(JsonElement) - Method in class
Adds the specified element to self.
add(String, JsonElement) - Method in class
Adds a member, which is a name-value pair, to self.
add(StatSummary) - Method in class tools.StatSummary
add(double) - Method in class tools.StatSummary
add(Number) - Method in class tools.StatSummary
add(double...) - Method in class tools.StatSummary
add(Vector2d) - Method in class tools.Vector2d
Adds another vector to this.
add(double, double) - Method in class tools.Vector2d
Adds to this vector two coordinates
add(Vector2d, double) - Method in class tools.Vector2d
Adds to this vector another vector, scaled it by a factor..
addAll(JsonArray) - Method in class
Adds all the elements of the specified array to self.
addAllSprites(Collection<VGDLSprite>) - Method in class core.vgdl.SpriteGroup
Adds a collection of sprites to this collection.
addCharacterMapping(Character, ArrayList<String>) - Method in class tools.LevelMapping
add a character for a list of sprite names
addConstraints(String[]) - Method in class tracks.levelGeneration.constraints.CombinedConstraints
Add multiple constraints to the combined constraints class
addDeserializationExclusionStrategy(ExclusionStrategy) - Method in class
Configures Gson to apply the passed in exclusion strategy during deserialization.
AddHealthPoints - Class in ontology.effects.unary
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
AddHealthPoints(InteractionContent) - Constructor for class ontology.effects.unary.AddHealthPoints
AddHealthPointsToMax - Class in ontology.effects.unary
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
AddHealthPointsToMax(InteractionContent) - Constructor for class ontology.effects.unary.AddHealthPointsToMax
addMessage(Message) - Method in class core.logging.Logger
Adds a message to the messages list
addParameterContent(ParameterContent) - Method in class
addProperty(String, String) - Method in class
Convenience method to add a primitive member.
addProperty(String, Number) - Method in class
Convenience method to add a primitive member.
addProperty(String, Boolean) - Method in class
Convenience method to add a boolean member.
addProperty(String, Character) - Method in class
Convenience method to add a char member.
addScore(double) - Method in class ontology.avatar.MovingAvatar
Adds a value to the current score of this player.
addSerializationExclusionStrategy(ExclusionStrategy) - Method in class
Configures Gson to apply the passed in exclusion strategy during serialization.
addShield(int, int, long) - Method in class
Adds a new Shield effect to the scene.
addSprite(VGDLSprite, int) - Method in class
Adds a new sprite to the pool of sprites of the game.
addSprite(int, Vector2d) - Method in class
Adds a sprite given a content and position.
addSprite(int, Vector2d, boolean) - Method in class
Adds a sprite given a content and position.
addSprite(SpriteContent, Vector2d, int, boolean) - Method in class
Adds a sprite given a content and position.
addSprite(int, VGDLSprite) - Method in class core.vgdl.SpriteGroup
Adds an sprite to the collection.
addSpriteIn(String, Vector2d) - Method in class
Adds one sprites in the position indicated.
addSpritesIn(ArrayList<String>, Vector2d) - Method in class
Adds all sprites that 'c' represents in the position indicated.
addTimeEffect(TimeEffect) - Method in class
Adds a time effect to the game.
AddTimer - Class in ontology.effects.binary
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
AddTimer() - Constructor for class ontology.effects.binary.AddTimer
AddTimer(InteractionContent) - Constructor for class ontology.effects.binary.AddTimer
addWin() - Method in class tools.StatSummary
advance(Types.ACTIONS) - Method in class
Advances the forward model using the action supplied.
advance(Types.ACTIONS[]) - Method in class
Advances the forward model using the actions supplied.
advance(Types.ACTIONS) - Method in class
Advances the state using the action passed as the move of the agent.
advance(Types.ACTIONS[]) - Method in class
Method overloaded for multi player games.
age - Variable in class ontology.sprites.Flicker
Agenda - Class in controller
Class that represents an agenda like data structure.
Agenda(LinkedList<PDDLSingleGoal>) - Constructor for class controller.Agenda
Class constructor.
agenda - Variable in class controller.PlanningAgent
agent - Static variable in class core.competition.GVGExecutor
Agent - Class in tools.pathfinder
Created by diego on 06/02/14.
Agent(StateObservation, ElapsedCpuTimer) - Constructor for class tools.pathfinder.Agent
Public constructor with state observation and time due.
Agent - Class in tracks.multiPlayer.advanced.sampleMCTS
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
Agent(StateObservationMulti, ElapsedCpuTimer, int) - Constructor for class tracks.multiPlayer.advanced.sampleMCTS.Agent
Public constructor with state observation and time due.
Agent - Class in tracks.multiPlayer.advanced.sampleRHEA
Agent(StateObservationMulti, ElapsedCpuTimer, int) - Constructor for class tracks.multiPlayer.advanced.sampleRHEA.Agent
Public constructor with state observation and time due.
Agent - Class in tracks.multiPlayer.advanced.sampleRS
Agent(StateObservationMulti, ElapsedCpuTimer, int) - Constructor for class tracks.multiPlayer.advanced.sampleRS.Agent
Public constructor with state observation and time due.
Agent - Class in tracks.multiPlayer.deprecated.sampleGA
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
Agent(StateObservationMulti, ElapsedCpuTimer, int) - Constructor for class tracks.multiPlayer.deprecated.sampleGA.Agent
Public constructor with state observation and time due.
Agent - Class in tracks.multiPlayer.deprecated.sampleMCTS
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
Agent(StateObservationMulti, ElapsedCpuTimer, int) - Constructor for class tracks.multiPlayer.deprecated.sampleMCTS.Agent
Public constructor with state observation and time due.
Agent - Class in tracks.multiPlayer.simple.doNothing
Agent(StateObservationMulti, ElapsedCpuTimer, int) - Constructor for class tracks.multiPlayer.simple.doNothing.Agent
initialize all variables for the agent
Agent - Class in tracks.multiPlayer.simple.sampleOneStepLookAhead
This is a Java port from Tom Schaul's VGDL -
Agent(StateObservationMulti, ElapsedCpuTimer, int) - Constructor for class tracks.multiPlayer.simple.sampleOneStepLookAhead.Agent
initialize all variables for the agent
Agent - Class in tracks.multiPlayer.simple.sampleRandom
Agent(StateObservationMulti, ElapsedCpuTimer, int) - Constructor for class tracks.multiPlayer.simple.sampleRandom.Agent
initialize all variables for the agent
Agent - Class in
Created by diego on 06/02/14.
Agent(StateObservationMulti, ElapsedCpuTimer, int) - Constructor for class
Public constructor with state observation and time due.
Agent - Class in
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
Agent(StateObservationMulti, ElapsedCpuTimer, int) - Constructor for class
Public constructor with state observation and time due.
Agent - Class in tracks.singlePlayer.advanced.olets
Code written by Adrien Couetoux,
Agent(StateObservation, ElapsedCpuTimer) - Constructor for class tracks.singlePlayer.advanced.olets.Agent
Public constructor with state observation and time due.
Agent - Class in tracks.singlePlayer.advanced.sampleMCTS
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
Agent(StateObservation, ElapsedCpuTimer) - Constructor for class tracks.singlePlayer.advanced.sampleMCTS.Agent
Public constructor with state observation and time due.
Agent - Class in tracks.singlePlayer.advanced.sampleRHEA
Agent(StateObservation, ElapsedCpuTimer) - Constructor for class tracks.singlePlayer.advanced.sampleRHEA.Agent
Public constructor with state observation and time due.
Agent - Class in tracks.singlePlayer.advanced.sampleRS
Agent(StateObservation, ElapsedCpuTimer) - Constructor for class tracks.singlePlayer.advanced.sampleRS.Agent
Public constructor with state observation and time due.
Agent - Class in tracks.singlePlayer.deprecated.sampleGA
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
Agent(StateObservation, ElapsedCpuTimer) - Constructor for class tracks.singlePlayer.deprecated.sampleGA.Agent
Public constructor with state observation and time due.
Agent - Class in tracks.singlePlayer.deprecated.sampleMCTS
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
Agent(StateObservation, ElapsedCpuTimer) - Constructor for class tracks.singlePlayer.deprecated.sampleMCTS.Agent
Public constructor with state observation and time due.
Agent - Class in tracks.singlePlayer.simple.doNothing
Agent(StateObservation, ElapsedCpuTimer) - Constructor for class tracks.singlePlayer.simple.doNothing.Agent
initialize all variables for the agent
Agent - Class in tracks.singlePlayer.simple.greedyTreeSearch
Agent(StateObservation, ElapsedCpuTimer) - Constructor for class tracks.singlePlayer.simple.greedyTreeSearch.Agent
Agent - Class in tracks.singlePlayer.simple.sampleonesteplookahead
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
Agent(StateObservation, ElapsedCpuTimer) - Constructor for class tracks.singlePlayer.simple.sampleonesteplookahead.Agent
Agent - Class in tracks.singlePlayer.simple.sampleRandom
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
Agent(StateObservation, ElapsedCpuTimer) - Constructor for class tracks.singlePlayer.simple.sampleRandom.Agent
Public constructor with state observation and time due.
Agent - Class in tracks.singlePlayer.simple.simpleRandom
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
Agent(StateObservation, ElapsedCpuTimer) - Constructor for class tracks.singlePlayer.simple.simpleRandom.Agent
Public constructor with state observation and time due.
Agent - Class in
Created by diego on 06/02/14.
Agent(StateObservation, ElapsedCpuTimer) - Constructor for class
Public constructor with state observation and time due.
Agent - Class in
Agent(StateObservation, ElapsedCpuTimer) - Constructor for class
Initialize the parameters and construct the automated player
Agent - Class in
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
Agent(StateObservation, ElapsedCpuTimer) - Constructor for class
Public constructor with state observation and time due.
Agent - Class in
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
Agent(StateObservation, ElapsedCpuTimer) - Constructor for class
Public constructor with state observation and time due.
AGENT_NAME - Static variable in class tracks.levelGeneration.geneticLevelGenerator.SharedData
The name of a the best agent with some human error
AgentExecutor - Class in core.competition
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
AgentExecutor() - Constructor for class core.competition.AgentExecutor
AgentExecutorMulti - Class in core.competition
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
AgentExecutorMulti() - Constructor for class core.competition.AgentExecutorMulti
aim() - Method in class ontology.avatar.oriented.CarAvatar
aim() - Method in class ontology.avatar.oriented.LanderAvatar
AimedAvatar - Class in ontology.avatar.oriented
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
AimedAvatar() - Constructor for class ontology.avatar.oriented.AimedAvatar
AimedAvatar(Vector2d, Dimension, SpriteContent) - Constructor for class ontology.avatar.oriented.AimedAvatar
air_slowdown_factor - Variable in class ontology.avatar.oriented.PlatformerAvatar
air_slowdown_factor - Variable in class ontology.avatar.oriented.WizardAvatar
airsteering - Variable in class ontology.sprites.npc.Walker
Align - Class in ontology.effects.binary
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
Align(InteractionContent) - Constructor for class ontology.effects.binary.Align
align - Variable in class ontology.effects.binary.AttractGaze
ALL_ACTIONS - Static variable in class ontology.Types
AlternateChaser - Class in ontology.sprites.npc
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
AlternateChaser() - Constructor for class ontology.sprites.npc.AlternateChaser
AlternateChaser(Vector2d, Dimension, SpriteContent) - Constructor for class ontology.sprites.npc.AlternateChaser
ammo - Variable in class ontology.avatar.FlakAvatar
ammo - Variable in class ontology.avatar.oriented.ShootAvatar
ammoCost - Variable in class ontology.avatar.FlakAvatar
ammoId - Variable in class ontology.avatar.FlakAvatar
ammoId - Variable in class ontology.avatar.oriented.ShootAvatar
ammos - Variable in class ontology.avatar.oriented.ShootAvatar
angle_diff - Variable in class ontology.avatar.oriented.AimedAvatar
angle_diff - Variable in class ontology.avatar.oriented.CarAvatar
angle_diff - Variable in class ontology.avatar.oriented.LanderAvatar
angle_diff - Variable in class ontology.avatar.oriented.SpaceshipAvatar
applyMovement(Game, Direction) - Method in class ontology.avatar.MovingAvatar
applyMovement(Game, Direction) - Method in class ontology.avatar.oriented.CarAvatar
applyMovement(Game, Direction) - Method in class ontology.avatar.oriented.LanderAvatar
applyMovement(Game, Direction) - Method in class ontology.avatar.oriented.PlatformerAvatar
applyMovement(Game, Direction) - Method in class ontology.avatar.oriented.ShootOnlyAvatar
applyMovement(Game, Direction) - Method in class ontology.avatar.oriented.SpaceshipAvatar
applyMovement(Game, Direction) - Method in class ontology.avatar.oriented.WizardAvatar
applyScore - Variable in class ontology.effects.Effect
ArcadeMachine - Class in tracks
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
ArcadeMachine() - Constructor for class tracks.ArcadeMachine
argmax(double[]) - Static method in class tools.Utils
arrayOf(Type) - Static method in class$Gson$Types
Returns an array type whose elements are all instances of componentType.
ArrayTypeAdapter<E> - Class in
Adapt an array of objects.
ArrayTypeAdapter(Gson, TypeAdapter<E>, Class<E>) - Constructor for class
assignTypes(ArrayList<String>) - Method in class core.content.SpriteContent
AStar - Class in tools.pathfinder
Created by dperez on 13/01/16.
AStar(PathFinder) - Constructor for class tools.pathfinder.AStar
astar - Variable in class tools.pathfinder.PathFinder
ATOMIC_BOOLEAN - Static variable in class
ATOMIC_BOOLEAN_FACTORY - Static variable in class
ATOMIC_INTEGER - Static variable in class
ATOMIC_INTEGER_ARRAY - Static variable in class
ATOMIC_INTEGER_ARRAY_FACTORY - Static variable in class
ATOMIC_INTEGER_FACTORY - Static variable in class
AttractGaze - Class in ontology.effects.binary
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
AttractGaze(InteractionContent) - Constructor for class ontology.effects.binary.AttractGaze
automatedAgent - Static variable in class tracks.ruleGeneration.geneticRuleGenerator.SharedData
the best automated agent
autotiling - Variable in class core.vgdl.VGDLSprite
Indicates if the tile support autotiling
availableActions - Variable in class
avatarHealthPoints - Variable in class
avatarLastAction - Variable in class
Avatars last actions.
avatarLastAction - Variable in class
avatarLimitHealthPoints - Variable in class
avatarMaxHealthPoints - Variable in class
AvatarNumberConstraint - Class in tracks.levelGeneration.constraints
AvatarNumberConstraint() - Constructor for class tracks.levelGeneration.constraints.AvatarNumberConstraint
avatarOrientation - Variable in class
avatarPosition - Variable in class
avatarResources - Variable in class
avatars - Variable in class
Quick reference to the gamer
avatarSpeed - Variable in class
avatarType - Variable in class
avatarVariable - Variable in class controller.GameInformation
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