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game - Static variable in class core.competition.GVGReplayer
Game - Class in
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
Game() - Constructor for class
Default constructor.
game - Variable in class core.vgdl.VGDLParser
Game which description is being read.
game - Variable in class core.vgdl.VGDLViewer
Reference to the game to be painted.
Game.Bucket - Class in
Class for helping collision detection.
GameAnalyzer - Class in tools
GameAnalyzer(GameDescription) - Constructor for class tools.GameAnalyzer
Initialize GameAnalyzer
gameAnalyzer - Variable in class tracks.levelGeneration.constraints.AvatarNumberConstraint
Object for game analyzer
gameAnalyzer - Variable in class tracks.levelGeneration.constraints.SpriteNumberConstraint
Object for game analyzer
gameAnalyzer - Static variable in class tracks.levelGeneration.geneticLevelGenerator.SharedData
A game analyzer object to help in constructing the level
gameConfigFile - Static variable in class controller.PlanningAgent
GameContent - Class in core.content
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
GameContent() - Constructor for class core.content.GameContent
Default constructor.
GameContent(String) - Constructor for class core.content.GameContent
Constructor that extracts the contents from a String line
GameDescription - Class in
This is an abstract class encapsulating all the data required for generating and testing game levels.
GameDescription(Game) - Constructor for class
Constructor to the Game Description.
gameDescription - Variable in class tracks.levelGeneration.constraints.GoalConstraint
Game description object send by the system
gameDescription - Static variable in class tracks.levelGeneration.geneticLevelGenerator.SharedData
The game description object
GameDescription.InteractionData - Class in
Simple data class represents the interaction between game sprites
GameDescription.SpriteData - Class in
Simple data class represents all game sprites
GameDescription.TerminationData - Class in
Simple data class represents all game termination conditions
gameElementsCorrespondence - Variable in class controller.GameInformation
gameElementVars - Variable in class controller.PlanningAgent
gameFiles - Static variable in class core.competition.GVGExecutor
GameInformation - Class in controller
Class that contains the game's information.
GameInformation() - Constructor for class controller.GameInformation
gameInformation - Variable in class controller.PlanningAgent
gameScore - Variable in class
gameScore - Variable in class
GameSpace - Class in
Created by dperez on 21/01/2017.
GameSpace(GameContent) - Constructor for class
Default constructor for a basic game.
gameStep - Variable in class
Game step when the event happened.
gameTick - Variable in class
Game tick
gameTick - Variable in class
gameTick - Variable in class
gameWinner - Variable in class
gameWinner - Variable in class
generateLevel(GameDescription, ElapsedCpuTimer) - Method in class core.generator.AbstractLevelGenerator
This function is called by the game engine to get a level description string.
generateLevel(GameDescription, ElapsedCpuTimer, int, int) - Method in class tracks.levelGeneration.constructiveLevelGenerator.LevelGenerator
Generate a level with a fixed width and length
generateLevel(GameDescription, ElapsedCpuTimer) - Method in class tracks.levelGeneration.constructiveLevelGenerator.LevelGenerator
generate a level without specifying the width and the height of the level
generateLevel(GameDescription, ElapsedCpuTimer) - Method in class tracks.levelGeneration.geneticLevelGenerator.LevelGenerator
Generate a level using GA in a fixed amount of time and return the level in form of a string
generateLevel(GameDescription, ElapsedCpuTimer) - Method in class tracks.levelGeneration.randomLevelGenerator.LevelGenerator
Generate a level string randomly contains only one avatar, 80% free space, and 20% of random sprites
generateLevels(String, String, String[]) - Static method in class tracks.levelGeneration.LevelGenMachine
Generate multiple levels for a certain game
generateNonExecutableJson() - Method in class
Makes the output JSON non-executable in Javascript by prefixing the generated JSON with some special text.
generateOneLevel(String, String, String) - Static method in class tracks.levelGeneration.LevelGenMachine
Generate a level for a certain described game and test it against a supplied agent
generateRules(SLDescription, ElapsedCpuTimer) - Method in class core.generator.AbstractRuleGenerator
This function is called by the framework to generate rules for the specific level
generateRules(SLDescription, ElapsedCpuTimer) - Method in class tracks.ruleGeneration.constructiveRuleGenerator.RuleGenerator
get the generated interaction rules and termination rules
generateRules(SLDescription, ElapsedCpuTimer) - Method in class tracks.ruleGeneration.geneticRuleGenerator.RuleGenerator
Generates the rules using evolution
generateRules(SLDescription, ElapsedCpuTimer) - Method in class tracks.ruleGeneration.randomRuleGenerator.RuleGenerator
Generate random interaction rules and termination conditions
generateRules(String, String, String, String, int) - Static method in class tracks.ruleGeneration.RuleGenMachine
create a new game file using the new generated rules
geq - Variable in class ontology.effects.binary.TransformIfCount
get() - Method in class
Returns the top level object produced by this writer.
get(TypeToken<T>) - Method in class
get(Object) - Method in class
get(Object) - Method in class
get(int) - Method in class
Returns the ith element of the array.
get(String) - Method in class
Returns the member with the specified name.
get(Type) - Static method in class
Gets type literal for the given Type instance.
get(Class<T>) - Static method in class
Gets type literal for the given Class instance.
get(int, int) - Method in class tracks.levelGeneration.constructiveLevelGenerator.LevelData
get the sprite at a certain position
getActionIndex() - Method in class tracks.singlePlayer.advanced.olets.SingleTreeNode
getActionInstance() - Method in class controller.PDDLAction
getAdapter(TypeToken<T>) - Method in class
Returns the type adapter for type.
getAdapter(Class<T>) - Method in class
Returns the type adapter for type.
getAllActions() - Method in class core.player.Player
Get the history of actions of this player.
getAllFreeSpots() - Method in class tracks.levelGeneration.constructiveLevelGenerator.LevelData
get all empty locations in the level
getAllSpriteData() - Method in class
Get all defined game sprites
getAllSprites() - Method in class
getAmountResource(int) - Method in class core.vgdl.VGDLSprite
Returns the amount of resource of a given type this sprite has.
getAnnotation(Class<T>) - Method in class
Return the T annotation object from this field if it exist; otherwise returns null.
getAnnotations() - Method in class
Return the annotations that are present on this field.
getArea() - Method in class tools.LevelAnalyzer
get the level area
getArray(Type) - Static method in class
Gets type literal for the array type whose elements are all instances of componentType.
getArrayComponentType(Type) - Static method in class$Gson$Types
Returns the component type of this array type.
getArrayList(Character) - Method in class tools.LevelMapping
get arraylist of sprite names that correspond to a certain character
getAsBigDecimal() - Method in class
convenience method to get this array as a BigDecimal if it contains a single element.
getAsBigDecimal() - Method in class
convenience method to get this element as a BigDecimal.
getAsBigDecimal() - Method in class
convenience method to get this element as a BigDecimal.
getAsBigInteger() - Method in class
convenience method to get this array as a BigInteger if it contains a single element.
getAsBigInteger() - Method in class
convenience method to get this element as a BigInteger.
getAsBigInteger() - Method in class
convenience method to get this element as a BigInteger.
getAsBoolean() - Method in class
convenience method to get this array as a boolean if it contains a single element.
getAsBoolean() - Method in class
convenience method to get this element as a boolean value.
getAsBoolean() - Method in class
convenience method to get this element as a boolean value.
getAsByte() - Method in class
getAsByte() - Method in class
convenience method to get this element as a primitive byte value.
getAsByte() - Method in class
getAsCharacter() - Method in class
getAsCharacter() - Method in class
convenience method to get this element as a primitive character value.
getAsCharacter() - Method in class
getAsDouble() - Method in class
convenience method to get this array as a double if it contains a single element.
getAsDouble() - Method in class
convenience method to get this element as a primitive double value.
getAsDouble() - Method in class
convenience method to get this element as a primitive double.
getAsFloat() - Method in class
convenience method to get this array as a float if it contains a single element.
getAsFloat() - Method in class
convenience method to get this element as a primitive float value.
getAsFloat() - Method in class
convenience method to get this element as a float.
getAsInt() - Method in class
convenience method to get this array as an integer if it contains a single element.
getAsInt() - Method in class
convenience method to get this element as a primitive integer value.
getAsInt() - Method in class
convenience method to get this element as a primitive integer.
getAsJsonArray() - Method in class
convenience method to get this element as a JsonArray.
getAsJsonArray(String) - Method in class
Convenience method to get the specified member as a JsonArray.
getAsJsonNull() - Method in class
convenience method to get this element as a JsonNull.
getAsJsonObject() - Method in class
convenience method to get this element as a JsonObject.
getAsJsonObject(String) - Method in class
Convenience method to get the specified member as a JsonObject.
getAsJsonPrimitive() - Method in class
convenience method to get this element as a JsonPrimitive.
getAsJsonPrimitive(String) - Method in class
Convenience method to get the specified member as a JsonPrimitive element.
getAsLong() - Method in class
convenience method to get this array as a long if it contains a single element.
getAsLong() - Method in class
convenience method to get this element as a primitive long value.
getAsLong() - Method in class
convenience method to get this element as a primitive long.
getAsNumber() - Method in class
convenience method to get this array as a Number if it contains a single element.
getAsNumber() - Method in class
convenience method to get this element as a Number.
getAsNumber() - Method in class
convenience method to get this element as a Number.
getAsShort() - Method in class
convenience method to get this array as a primitive short if it contains a single element.
getAsShort() - Method in class
convenience method to get this element as a primitive short value.
getAsShort() - Method in class
convenience method to get this element as a primitive short.
getAsString() - Method in class
convenience method to get this array as a String if it contains a single element.
getAsString() - Method in class
convenience method to get this element as a string value.
getAsString() - Method in class
convenience method to get this element as a String.
getAvailableActions(boolean) - Method in class
Get player supported actions
getAvailableActions() - Method in class
Returns the actions that are available in this game for the avatar.
getAvailableActions(boolean) - Method in class
Returns the actions that are available in this game for the avatar.
getAvailableActions(int) - Method in class
Method overloaded for multi player games.
getAvatar() - Method in class
Returns the avatar of the game in single player games.
getAvatar(int) - Method in class
Overloaded method, returns the avatar of the player specified (for multi player games).
getAvatar() - Method in class
Get avatar sprite data information
getAvatarActions(boolean) - Method in class
Returns the actions that are available in this game for the avatar.
getAvatarActions(int, boolean) - Method in class
Method overloaded for multi player games.
getAvatarHealthPoints() - Method in class
Returns the health points of the avatar.
getAvatarHealthPoints(int) - Method in class
Method overloaded for multi player games.
getAvatarHealthPoints() - Method in class
Returns the health points of the avatar.
getAvatarHealthPoints(int) - Method in class
Method overloaded for multi player games.
getAvatarLastAction() - Method in class
Returns the avatar's last move.
getAvatarLastAction(int) - Method in class
Method overloaded for multi player games.
getAvatarLastAction() - Method in class
Returns the avatar's last move.
getAvatarLastAction(int) - Method in class
Method overloaded for multi player games.
getAvatarLimitHealthPoints() - Method in class
Returns the limit of health points this avatar can have.
getAvatarLimitHealthPoints(int) - Method in class
Method overloaded for multi player games.
getAvatarLimitHealthPoints() - Method in class
Returns the limit of health points this avatar can have.
getAvatarLimitHealthPoints(int) - Method in class
Method overloaded for multi player games.
getAvatarMaxHealthPoints() - Method in class
Returns the maximum amount of health points.
getAvatarMaxHealthPoints(int) - Method in class
Method overloaded for multi player games.
getAvatarMaxHealthPoints() - Method in class
Returns the maximum amount of health points.
getAvatarMaxHealthPoints(int) - Method in class
Method overloaded for multi player games.
getAvatarOrientation() - Method in class
Returns the orientation of the avatar.
getAvatarOrientation(int) - Method in class
Method overloaded for multi player games.
getAvatarOrientation() - Method in class
Returns the orientation of the avatar.
getAvatarOrientation(int) - Method in class
Method overloaded for multi player games.
getAvatarPosition() - Method in class
Returns the position of the avatar.
getAvatarPosition(int) - Method in class
Method overloaded for multi player games.
getAvatarPosition() - Method in class
Returns the position of the avatar.
getAvatarPosition(int) - Method in class
Method overloaded for multi player games.
getAvatarResources() - Method in class
Returns the resources in the avatar's possession.
getAvatarResources(int) - Method in class
Method overloaded for multi player games.
getAvatarResources() - Method in class
Returns the resources in the avatar's possession.
getAvatarResources(int) - Method in class
Method overloaded for multi player games.
getAvatars() - Method in class
Returns an array of all avatars in the game.
getAvatars(boolean) - Method in class tools.LevelAnalyzer
Get avatar sprite data
getAvatarSpeed() - Method in class
Returns the speed of the avatar.
getAvatarSpeed(int) - Method in class
Method overloaded for multi player games.
getAvatarSpeed() - Method in class
Returns the speed of the avatar.
getAvatarSpeed(int) - Method in class
Method overloaded for multi player games.
getAvatarSprites() - Method in class tools.GameAnalyzer
get array of avatar sprite names
getAvatarType() - Method in class
Returns the avatar's type.
getAvatarType(int) - Method in class
Method overloaded for multi player games.
getAvatarType() - Method in class
Returns the avatar's type.
getAvatarType(int) - Method in class
Method overloaded for multi player games.
GetBestChild() - Method in class tracks.singlePlayer.simple.greedyTreeSearch.TreeNode
getBlockSize() - Method in class
Indicates how many pixels form a block in the game.
getBlockSize() - Method in class
Indicates how many pixels form a block in the game.
getBorderObjects(double, double) - Method in class tools.LevelAnalyzer
get all border objects that are in between lowThreshold and highThreshold percentages
getBorderObjects(int, int) - Method in class tools.LevelAnalyzer
get all border objects that are in between lowThreshold and highThreshold percentages
getCharacter(ArrayList<String>) - Method in class tools.LevelMapping
get character corresponding to a certain arraylist of strings
getCharMapping() - Method in class
Returns the char mapping of this array, that relates characters in the level with sprite names that it references.
getCharMapping() - Method in class tools.LevelMapping
get a hashmap of characters and the corresponding sprite names
getCollectableSprites() - Method in class tools.GameAnalyzer
get array for all objects that can be collected using player
getCollectionElementType(Type, Class<?>) - Static method in class$Gson$Types
Returns the element type of this collection type.
getCollisionEffects(int, int) - Method in class
Gets the array of collisions defined for two types of sprites.
getCombinedFitness() - Method in class tracks.levelGeneration.geneticLevelGenerator.Chromosome
Get the average value of the fitness
getConditions() - Method in class controller.PDDLAction.Effect
getConstrainFitness() - Method in class tracks.levelGeneration.geneticLevelGenerator.Chromosome
Get constraint fitness for infeasible chromosome
getConstrainFitness() - Method in class tracks.ruleGeneration.geneticRuleGenerator.Chromosome
Get constraint fitness for infeasible chromosome
getContent() - Method in class core.logging.Message
Returns the String content of the Message
getCounter(int) - Method in class ontology.effects.Effect
getCounterElse(int) - Method in class ontology.effects.Effect
getCurrentAction(SingleTreeNode) - Method in class
getCurrentGoal() - Method in class controller.Agenda
getCurrentLevel() - Method in class
Return the current level as a comma separated 2D Array
getDeclaredClass() - Method in class
Returns the Class object that was declared for this field.
getDeclaredType() - Method in class
For example, assume the following class definition:
 public class Foo {
   private String bar;
   private List<String> red;

 Type listParameterizedType = new TypeToken<List<String>>() {}.getType();

 This method would return String.class for the bar field and
 listParameterizedType for the red field.
getDeclaringClass() - Method in class
getDefinedEffects() - Method in class
Returns all paired effects defined in the game.
getDefinedEosEffects() - Method in class
Returns the list of sprite type with at least one EOS effect defined.
getDelegateAdapter(TypeAdapterFactory, TypeToken<T>) - Method in class
This method is used to get an alternate type adapter for the specified type.
getDependentSprites() - Method in class core.vgdl.VGDLSprite
Get all sprites that affect or being affected by the current sprite
getDependentSprites() - Method in class ontology.avatar.FlakAvatar
getDependentSprites() - Method in class ontology.avatar.NullAvatar
getDependentSprites() - Method in class ontology.avatar.oriented.ShootAvatar
getDependentSprites() - Method in class ontology.avatar.oriented.ShootOnlyAvatar
getDependentSprites() - Method in class ontology.sprites.npc.AlternateChaser
getDependentSprites() - Method in class ontology.sprites.npc.Chaser
getDependentSprites() - Method in class ontology.sprites.npc.LOSChaser
getDependentSprites() - Method in class ontology.sprites.npc.PathChaser
getDependentSprites() - Method in class ontology.sprites.producer.Portal
getDependentSprites() - Method in class ontology.sprites.producer.SpawnPoint
getDependentSprites() - Method in class ontology.sprites.Spreader
getDimSize(int) - Method in class tracks.DesignMachine
Returns the number of points in a given dimensions
getDistance(LevelData.Point) - Method in class tracks.levelGeneration.constructiveLevelGenerator.LevelData.Point
get distance between this point and the input point
getEffectPredicate() - Method in class controller.PDDLAction.Effect
getEffects() - Method in class controller.PDDLAction
getEffectSprites() - Method in class ontology.effects.binary.TransformIfCount
getEffectSprites() - Method in class ontology.effects.binary.TransformToAll
getEffectSprites() - Method in class ontology.effects.binary.TransformToSingleton
getEffectSprites() - Method in class ontology.effects.Effect
getEffectSprites() - Method in class ontology.effects.unary.KillAll
getEffectSprites() - Method in class ontology.effects.unary.Spawn
getEffectSprites() - Method in class ontology.effects.unary.SpawnAbove
getEffectSprites() - Method in class ontology.effects.unary.SpawnBehind
getEffectSprites() - Method in class ontology.effects.unary.SpawnBelow
getEffectSprites() - Method in class ontology.effects.unary.SpawnIfCounterSubTypes
getEffectSprites() - Method in class ontology.effects.unary.SpawnIfHasLess
getEffectSprites() - Method in class ontology.effects.unary.SpawnIfHasMore
getEffectSprites() - Method in class ontology.effects.unary.SpawnLeft
getEffectSprites() - Method in class ontology.effects.unary.SpawnRight
getEffectSprites() - Method in class ontology.effects.unary.TransformTo
getEffectSprites() - Method in class ontology.effects.unary.TransformToRandomChild
getEffectSprites() - Method in class ontology.effects.unary.UpdateSpawnType
getEosEffects(int) - Method in class
Returns all EOS effects defined in the game.
getErrors() - Method in class
get list of errors from the system
getErrors() - Method in class
get list of errors from the system
getEventsHistory() - Method in class
Returns the list of historic events happened in this game so far.
getEventsHistory() - Method in class
This method retrieves a list of events that happened so far in the game.
getFinalState() - Method in class tools.StepController
called after playing a game and return the final game state reached
getFirstSprite() - Method in class core.vgdl.SpriteGroup
Gets the first sprite of this collection, or null if it is empty
getFitness() - Method in class tracks.levelGeneration.geneticLevelGenerator.Chromosome
Get the current chromosome fitness
getFitness() - Method in class tracks.ruleGeneration.geneticRuleGenerator.Chromosome
Returns the fitness of the chromosome
getFromAvatarSpPositions(Vector2d) - Method in class
Returns a list of observations of objects created by the avatar's actions.
getFromAvatarSpritesPositions() - Method in class
Returns a list of observations of sprites created by the avatar (usually, by applying the action Types.ACTIONS.ACTION_USE).
getFromAvatarSpritesPositions(Vector2d) - Method in class
Returns a list of observations of sprites created by the avatar (usually, by applying the action Types.ACTIONS.ACTION_USE).
getFullResult() - Method in class
Returns the complete result of the game (victory, score, timestep).
getGameElementsMatrix(StateObservation) - Method in class controller.PlanningAgent
Method that translates a game state observation to a matrix of strings which represent the elements of the game in each position according to the VGDDL registry.
getGameScore() - Method in class
Gets the game score of this state.
getGameScore(int) - Method in class
Method overloaded for multi player games.
getGameScore() - Method in class
Gets the score of the game at this observation.
getGameScore(int) - Method in class
Method overloaded for multi player games.
getGameSprites() - Method in class
get an array of game sprites
getGameState() - Method in class
Return the current state of the game
getGameTick() - Method in class
Gets the current game tick of this particular state.
getGameTick() - Method in class
Returns the current game tick of this game.
getGameTick() - Method in class
Returns the game tick of this particular observation.
getGameWinner() - Method in class
Indicates if there is a game winner in the current observation.
getGameWinner() - Method in class
Indicates if there is a game winner in the current observation.
getGoalPredicate() - Method in class controller.PDDLSingleGoal
getGoalSprites() - Method in class tools.GameAnalyzer
get an array contains all sprites found in the termination set
getGVGAIAction() - Method in class controller.PDDLAction
getHarmfulSprites() - Method in class tools.GameAnalyzer
get array of all sprites that can kill the avatar
getHeight() - Method in class tracks.levelGeneration.constructiveLevelGenerator.LevelData
get the height of the level
getImmovablePositions(Vector2d) - Method in class
Observations of static objects in the game.
getImmovablePositions() - Method in class
Returns a list of observations of immovable sprites in the game.
getImmovablePositions(Vector2d) - Method in class
Returns a list of observations of immovable sprites in the game.
getImmovables(double, double) - Method in class tools.LevelAnalyzer
get all immovables that are in between lowThreshold and highThreshold percentages
getImmovables(int, int) - Method in class tools.LevelAnalyzer
get all immovables that are in between lowThreshold and highThreshold percentages
getImmovables(boolean) - Method in class tools.LevelAnalyzer
get all immovables that either in the map or not
getInstance() - Static method in class core.logging.Logger
Returns the instance of the singleton Logger
GetInstance() - Static method in class core.vgdl.VGDLFactory
Returns the unique instance of this class.
GetInstance() - Static method in class core.vgdl.VGDLRegistry
Returns the unique instance of this class.
getInteraction(String, String) - Method in class
Get a list of all effects happening to the first sprite
getInteractionData(int, int) - Method in class
Get a list of interaction data objects between two sprite types.
getItype() - Method in class core.vgdl.SpriteGroup
Gets the type of this SpriteGroup.
getKey() - Method in enum ontology.Types.ACTIONS
getKey() - Method in class tools.Pair
getKeyHandler(int) - Method in class
Returns key handler available to the player.
getKeyHandler() - Method in class ontology.avatar.MovingAvatar
Gets the key handler of this avatar.
getLastAction() - Method in class core.player.Player
Gets the last action executed by this controller.
getLastPosition() - Method in class core.vgdl.VGDLSprite
Gets the last position of this sprite.
getLastSsoType() - Method in class tracks.singleLearning.utils.Comm
getLearningSsoType() - Method in class core.player.LearningPlayer
getLength() - Method in class tools.LevelAnalyzer
get the level length (y-axis)
getLevel() - Method in class tracks.levelGeneration.constructiveLevelGenerator.LevelData
get the 2D level in form of string
getLevelMapping() - Method in class
Get default character mapping
getLevelMapping() - Method in class core.generator.AbstractLevelGenerator
Optional function to get force game engine use different level mapping.
getLevelMapping() - Method in class tracks.levelGeneration.constructiveLevelGenerator.LevelData
get the level mapping hashmap
getLevelMapping() - Method in class tracks.levelGeneration.constructiveLevelGenerator.LevelGenerator
get the current used level mapping to create the level string
getLevelMapping() - Method in class tracks.levelGeneration.geneticLevelGenerator.Chromosome
get the current used level mapping to parse the level string
getLevelMapping() - Method in class tracks.levelGeneration.geneticLevelGenerator.LevelGenerator
get the current used level mapping to create the level string
getLevelString(LevelMapping) - Method in class tracks.levelGeneration.geneticLevelGenerator.Chromosome
get the current level string
getMapKeyAndValueTypes(Type, Class<?>) - Static method in class$Gson$Types
Returns a two element array containing this map's key and value types in positions 0 and 1 respectively.
getMask() - Method in class tools.KeyHandler
getMaxObservation(ArrayList<Observation>[], Vector2d) - Static method in class
getMaxScoreUnit() - Method in class tools.GameAnalyzer
get maximum +ve score change listed in the instruction set
getMaxSprites() - Static method in class
Returns the number of sprites
getMaxVisitedValue() - Method in class
getMessageCount() - Method in class core.logging.Logger
Get the number of error and warning messages combined
getMessageCount(int) - Method in class core.logging.Logger
Get either error or warning messages
getMessages() - Method in class core.logging.Logger
Returns the list of errors and warnings
getMessages(int) - Method in class core.logging.Logger
Returns the list of errors and warnings
getMinObservation(ArrayList<Observation>[], Vector2d) - Static method in class
getMinScoreUnit() - Method in class tools.GameAnalyzer
get minimum +ve score change listed in the instruction set
getMovablePositions(Vector2d) - Method in class
Returns a list with observations of sprites that move, but are NOT NPCs.
getMovablePositions() - Method in class
Returns a list of observations of sprites that move, but are NOT NPCs in the game.
getMovablePositions(Vector2d) - Method in class
Returns a list of observations of movable (not NPCs) sprites in the game.
getMovables(double, double) - Method in class tools.LevelAnalyzer
get all movables that are in between lowThreshold and highThreshold percentages
getMovables(int, int) - Method in class tools.LevelAnalyzer
get all movables that are in between lowThreshold and highThreshold percentages
getMovables(boolean) - Method in class tools.LevelAnalyzer
get all movables that are either in the map or not
getMoving() - Method in class
Get all movable sprites
getMultiGameWinner() - Method in class
Method overloaded for multi player games.
getMultiGameWinner() - Method in class
Similar to getGameWinner() in single player games, but for multi player.
getMultiWinner() - Method in class
Returns an array of type Types.WINNER containing the win state of all players in the game.
getName() - Method in class
getNbGenerated() - Method in class tracks.singlePlayer.advanced.olets.SingleTreeNode
getNeighbours(Node) - Method in class tools.pathfinder.PathFinder
getNoCounters() - Method in class
getNodeDepth() - Method in class tracks.singlePlayer.advanced.olets.SingleTreeNode
getNoPlayers() - Method in class
Method used to access the number of players in a game.
getNoPlayers() - Method in class
Method used to access the number of players in a game.
getNoPlayers() - Method in class
Returns the number of players in the game.
getNPC() - Method in class
Get NPCs sprite data information
getNPCPositions(Vector2d) - Method in class
Returns a list of observations of NPC in the game.
getNPCPositions() - Method in class
Returns a list of observations of NPC in the game.
getNPCPositions(Vector2d) - Method in class
Returns a list of observations of NPC in the game.
getNPCs(double, double) - Method in class tools.LevelAnalyzer
get all npcs that are in between lowThreshold and highThreshold percentages
getNPCs(int, int) - Method in class tools.LevelAnalyzer
get all npcs that are in between lowThreshold and highThreshold percentages
getNPCs(boolean) - Method in class tools.LevelAnalyzer
get all npcs that either in map or not
getnPoints() - Method in class core.content.ParameterContent
getNumberOfObjectives() - Method in interface core.optimization.OptimizationObjective
get the number of objectives the parameters will be test against
getNumberOfObjectives() - Method in class core.optimization.ucbOptimization.UCBOptimization
get the number of parameters used in this equation
getNumberOfObjects(String) - Method in class tools.LevelAnalyzer
get the number of times a certain sprite appear in the map
getNumberOfParameters() - Method in interface core.optimization.OptimizationObjective
get the number of parameter required to be optimized
getNumberOfParameters() - Method in class core.optimization.ucbOptimization.UCBOptimization
small value to avoid division by zero
getNumberOfReverseActions(SingleTreeNode) - Method in class
getNumberOfSameActions(SingleTreeNode) - Method in class
getNumberOfUselessMoves(SingleTreeNode) - Method in class
getNumDimensions() - Method in class tracks.DesignMachine
Returns the number of dimensions of this game space.
getNumDisabledSprites(int) - Method in class
Returns the number of sprites disabled of the type given by parameter and all its subtypes
getNumSprites(int) - Method in class
Returns the number of sprites of the type given by parameter, and all its subtypes
getObservation() - Method in class
Retuns the observation of this state.
getObservationGrid() - Method in class
Returns a grid with all observations in the level.
getObservationGrid() - Method in class
Returns a grid with all observations in the level, accessible by the x,y coordinates of the grid.
getObservationLength(ArrayList<Observation>[]) - Static method in class
getObservationMulti(int) - Method in class
Retuns the observation of this state (for multiplayer).
getOtherSprites() - Method in class tools.GameAnalyzer
get an array list of all other sprites that are not listed in the previous lists
getParameterized(Type, Type...) - Static method in class
Gets type literal for the parameterized type represented by applying typeArguments to rawType.
getParameters() - Method in class
getParameters() - Method in class
getPath(Vector2d, Vector2d) - Method in class
getPath() - Method in class
getPath() - Method in class
Returns a JsonPath to the current location in the JSON value.
getPath(Node, Node) - Method in class tools.pathfinder.AStar
getPath(Vector2d, Vector2d) - Method in class tools.pathfinder.PathFinder
getPDDLActions() - Method in class controller.PDDLPlan
getPendingGoals() - Method in class controller.Agenda
getPerimeter() - Method in class tools.LevelAnalyzer
get the level perimeter
getPlayer(StateObservationMulti, ElapsedCpuTimer, int[], Types.ACTIONS[][], int, int, int) - Method in class tracks.multiPlayer.advanced.sampleMCTS.Agent
getPlayer(StateObservation, ElapsedCpuTimer) - Method in class tracks.singlePlayer.advanced.sampleMCTS.Agent
getPlayerID() - Method in class core.player.Player
getPlayerID() - Method in class ontology.avatar.MovingAvatar
Get this player's ID.
getPortal() - Method in class
Get Portals sprite data information
getPortals(double, double) - Method in class tools.LevelAnalyzer
get all portals that are in between lowThreshold and highThreshold percentages
getPortals(int, int) - Method in class tools.LevelAnalyzer
get all portals that are in between lowThreshold and highThreshold percentages
getPortals(boolean) - Method in class tools.LevelAnalyzer
get all portals that are in between lowThreshold and highThreshold percentages
getPortalsPositions(Vector2d) - Method in class
getPortalsPositions() - Method in class
Returns a list of observations of portals in the game.
getPortalsPositions(Vector2d) - Method in class
Returns a list of observations of portals in the game.
getPosition() - Method in class core.vgdl.VGDLSprite
Gets the position of this sprite.
getPreconditions() - Method in class controller.PDDLAction
getPreemptedGoals() - Method in class controller.Agenda
getPreferredSize() - Method in class core.vgdl.VGDLViewer
Gets the dimensions of the window.
getPriority() - Method in class controller.PDDLSingleGoal
getPriorityNumber(String) - Method in class tools.GameAnalyzer
Get the priority value for a specific sprite
getRandomGenerator() - Method in class
Returns the sampleRandom generator of this forward model.
getRandomGenerator() - Method in class
Returns the sampleRandom object
getRandomMove(Game) - Method in class ontology.sprites.npc.RandomNPC
getRawType(Type) - Static method in class$Gson$Types
getRawType() - Method in class
Returns the raw (non-generic) type for this type.
getReachedGoals() - Method in class controller.Agenda
getRegisteredSpriteKey(int) - Method in class core.vgdl.VGDLRegistry
Returns the String associated with the first (and in theory, unique) sprite value passed.
getRegisteredSpriteValue(String) - Method in class core.vgdl.VGDLRegistry
Returns the index (value in map) of a given key, for sprites.
getRemoveReachedGoalsList() - Method in class controller.PDDLSingleGoal
getResource() - Method in class
Get Resources sprite data information
getResourceColor(int) - Method in class
Gets the color of the resource of type resourceId
getResourceLimit(int) - Method in class
Gets the maximum amount of resources of type resourceId that are allowed by entities in the game.
getResources(double, double) - Method in class tools.LevelAnalyzer
get all resources that are in between lowThreshold and highThreshold percentages
getResources(int, int) - Method in class tools.LevelAnalyzer
get all resources that are in between lowThreshold and highThreshold percentages
getResources(boolean) - Method in class tools.LevelAnalyzer
get all resources that are in between lowThreshold and highThreshold percentages
getResourcesPositions(Vector2d) - Method in class
getResourcesPositions() - Method in class
Returns a list of observations of resources in the game.
getResourcesPositions(Vector2d) - Method in class
Returns a list of observations of resources in the game.
getRoot() - Method in class core.vgdl.Node
Returns the root of the tree structure
getRuleset() - Method in class tracks.ruleGeneration.geneticRuleGenerator.Chromosome
returns the ruleset of this chromosome
getScore() - Method in class
Returns the game score.
getScore(int) - Method in class
Method overloaded for multi player games.
getScore() - Method in class ontology.avatar.MovingAvatar
Gets the score of this player.
getScoreChange(int) - Method in class ontology.effects.Effect
Determine score change for specific player
getScreenSize() - Method in class
Gets the dimensions of the screen.
getSerializeNulls() - Method in class
Returns true if object members are serialized when their value is null.
getSolidSprites() - Method in class tools.GameAnalyzer
Get array of solid sprite names
getSolution() - Method in class tools.StepController
get list of action used during playing the game
getSpawners(double, double) - Method in class tools.LevelAnalyzer
get all spawners that are in between lowThreshold and highThreshold percentages
getSpawners(int, int) - Method in class tools.LevelAnalyzer
get all spawners that are in between lowThreshold and highThreshold percentages
getSpawners(boolean) - Method in class tools.LevelAnalyzer
get all spawners that are in between lowThreshold and highThreshold percentages
getSprite(int) - Method in class core.vgdl.SpriteGroup
Retrieves a sprite given its unique ID.
getSpriteByIdx(int) - Method in class core.vgdl.SpriteGroup
Retrieves a sprite given its position in the sprite list.
getSpriteData() - Method in class
Get an array of sprite data objects for all leaf sprite nodes.
getSpriteGroup(int) - Method in class
Gets an iterator for the collection of sprites for a particular sprite type.
getSpriteIterator() - Method in class core.vgdl.SpriteGroup
Gets an ordered iterator through all sprites.
getSpriteList() - Method in class
getSpriteOrder() - Method in class
Gets the order in which the sprites are drawn.
getSprites(int) - Method in class
Gets the collection of sprites for a particular sprite type.
getSprites() - Method in class core.vgdl.SpriteGroup
Gets the collection of sprites, as a ConcurrentHashMap [KEY => VALUE].
getSpriteSetStructure() - Method in class core.generator.AbstractRuleGenerator
Return a list of all supersets
getSpriteSetStructure() - Method in class tracks.ruleGeneration.constructiveRuleGenerator.RuleGenerator
getSpritesOnSameTile(String) - Method in class tools.LevelAnalyzer
get all the sprites that are on the same tile with a certain sprite
getSquareSize() - Method in class
getStatic() - Method in class
Get Statics sprite data information
getStValue() - Method in class core.content.ParameterBoolContent
getStValue() - Method in class core.content.ParameterContent
getStValue() - Method in class core.content.ParameterDoubleContent
getStValue() - Method in class core.content.ParameterIntContent
getSubSpritesGroup(int) - Method in class
Gets an iterator for the collection of sprites for a particular sprite type, AND all subtypes.
getSubTypes(int) - Method in class
Returns an arraylist of subtypes of the given parent type.
getSurroundingPoints() - Method in class tracks.levelGeneration.constructiveLevelGenerator.LevelData.Point
get a list of all 4 neighbor points
getTempAvatar(GameDescription.SpriteData) - Method in class
Construct and return a temporary avatar sprite
getTerminationConditions() - Method in class
Get a list of all termination conditions for the current game
getTerminationData() - Method in class
Return an array of termination data objects.
getTerminations() - Method in class
Gets the array of termination conditions for this game.
getTerminationSprites() - Method in class core.termination.MultiSpriteCounter
getTerminationSprites() - Method in class core.termination.MultiSpriteCounterSubTypes
getTerminationSprites() - Method in class core.termination.SpriteCounter
getTerminationSprites() - Method in class core.termination.SpriteCounterMore
getTerminationSprites() - Method in class core.termination.StopCounter
getTerminationSprites() - Method in class core.termination.Termination
Get all sprites that are used to check the termination condition
getTotObservation(ArrayList<Observation>[], Vector2d) - Static method in class
getType() - Method in class core.logging.Message
Returns the numerical type of the Message
getType() - Method in class core.vgdl.VGDLSprite
Gets the unique and precise type of this sprite
getType() - Method in class
Gets underlying Type instance.
getValue() - Method in class tools.Pair
getValueCounter(int) - Method in class
getVector() - Method in class tools.Direction
getWarnings() - Method in class
get list of warnings from the system
getWarnings() - Method in class
get list of warnings from the system
getWidth() - Method in class tools.LevelAnalyzer
get the level width (x-axis)
getWidth() - Method in class tracks.levelGeneration.constructiveLevelGenerator.LevelData
get the width of the level
getWinner() - Method in class
Returns the winner of this game.
getWinner(int) - Method in class
Overloaded method for multi player games.
getWinState() - Method in class ontology.avatar.MovingAvatar
Gets the win state of this player.
getWorldDimension() - Method in class
Returns the world dimensions, in pixels.
getWorldDimension() - Method in class
Returns the world dimensions, in pixels.
GoalConstraint - Class in tracks.levelGeneration.constraints
GoalConstraint() - Constructor for class tracks.levelGeneration.constraints.GoalConstraint
goals - Variable in class controller.GameInformation
GOLD - Static variable in class ontology.Types
gravity - Variable in class core.vgdl.VGDLSprite
The amount of gravity force that pushes down on the sprite
GRAY - Static variable in class ontology.Types
GREEN - Static variable in class ontology.Types
GRID - Static variable in class ontology.Types
grid - Variable in class tools.pathfinder.PathFinder
grid - Variable in class tracks.singlePlayer.simple.sampleRandom.Agent
Observation grid.
GRID_HEIGHT - Static variable in class
GRID_WIDTH - Static variable in class
GridPhysics - Class in ontology.physics
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
GridPhysics() - Constructor for class ontology.physics.GridPhysics
Default constructor, gridsize will be 10x10
GridPhysics(Dimension) - Constructor for class ontology.physics.GridPhysics
Constructor of the physics, specifying the gridsize
gridsize - Variable in class ontology.physics.GridPhysics
Size of the grid.
ground_speedup_factor - Variable in class ontology.avatar.oriented.PlatformerAvatar
ground_speedup_factor - Variable in class ontology.avatar.oriented.WizardAvatar
groundIntersects(VGDLSprite) - Method in class core.vgdl.VGDLSprite
Overwritting intersects to check if we are on ground.
Gson - Class in
This is the main class for using Gson.
Gson() - Constructor for class
Constructs a Gson object with default configuration.
GsonBuilder - Class in
Use this builder to construct a Gson instance when you need to set configuration options other than the default.
GsonBuilder() - Constructor for class
Creates a GsonBuilder instance that can be used to build Gson with various configuration settings.
GVGExecutor - Class in core.competition
Created by dperez on 24/05/16.
GVGExecutor() - Constructor for class core.competition.GVGExecutor
GVGReplayer - Class in core.competition
Created by dperez on 24/05/16.
GVGReplayer() - Constructor for class core.competition.GVGReplayer
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